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This day, I hear, hath been a conference between the two Houses about the Bill for examining Accounts, wherein the House of Lords their proceedings in petitioning the King for doing it by Commission, are in great heat voted by the Commons, after the conference, unparliamentary. 4th. Mr. Lowther a pretty gentleman, too good for Peg.

There did come upon Mary Lowther a feeling that Walter spoke of the necessity of a comfortable income in a manner very different from that in which he had of late been discussing the same subject ever since she had known him.

It seemed to him now that nothing in life would be worth a thought if Mary Lowther should continue to say him nay; and it seemed to him, too, that unless the yea were said very quickly, all his aptitudes for enjoyment would be worn out of him. On the next morning, immediately after breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick walked down to the mill together.

We set out, and so out at Allgate, and so to the Green Man, and so on to Enfield, in our way seeing Mr. Lowther and his lady in a coach, going to Walthamstow; and he told us that he would overtake us at night, he being to go that way. So we to Enfield, and there bayted, it being but a foul, bad day, and there Lowther and Mr.

She was surprised that Lowther and her husband were so assiduous in their attentions to Mavis; indeed, as Mrs Devitt afterwards remarked to Miss Spraggs: "They hardly ever took their eyes off her face."

Why had he not known that this was so before he had allowed himself to be separated from Mary Lowther? But he had known nothing of it, had thought not at all about it.

Then William John disappeared, and had to be put in poultices. While William John was in bed slowly recovering from his heroism, the pirate captain and Johnny Fox got me into trouble by stretching a string across the square, six feet from the ground, against which many tall hats struck, to topple in the dust. An improved sling from the Lowther Arcade kept the glazier constantly in the inn.

Lowther to me to the office, and there je did toker ses mammailles and did baiser them and su bocca, which she took fort willingly.... Up, and to read a little in my new History of Turkey, and so with my wife to church, and then home, where is little Michell and my pretty Betty and also Mercer, and very merry. A good dinner of roast beef.

You had better let me stay." Fenwick laughed at this, saying that it would be quite as rational to propose that they should keep watch every night. "But, hark!" said the Squire, with a mind evidently perturbed. "Don't you be alarmed about us," said the parson. "If anything should happen to Mary Lowther!"

But, as matters stood, the Lords of the Treasury willingly listened to the application of Sir James Lowther; they even refused permission to the Duke to examine the original deed and the other documents in the office of the surveyor, on which he professed to rely for the establishment of his right; and they granted to Sir James the lands he prayed for at a rent which could only be regarded as nominal.