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Such doings were shockingly lawless, but they showed a degree of recklessly passionate admiration which was flattering from a young financier who was so popular with women that he found it infinitely easier to please than to be pleased. Perhaps, if Logotheti could have put on a little Anglo-Saxon coolness, Margaret might have married him by this time.

'It's the nicest thing any one has said to me for months, and thank goodness I'm not above being pleased. Nor was Logotheti above using any art that could please her. His instinct about women, finding no scruples in the way, had led him into present favour by the shortest road.

'Do you really think so? asked Margaret, much pleased. 'I know it, he replied with conviction. 'That woman is utterly incapable of saying anything she does not think, but she sometimes gives her opinion with horrible brutality. 'I rather like that. 'Do you? 'Yes. It is good medicine. 'Then you have only been a spectator, and never the patient! Logotheti laughed. 'Perhaps.

I've given particular orders to let in no automobiles. 'I always get in everywhere, answered Logotheti coolly. 'May I see you alone for a few minutes? 'If it's business, you'd better see Mr. Bamberger, said Van Torp. 'I came here for a rest. Mr. Bamberger has come over for a few days. You'll find him at his chambers in Hare Court. 'No, returned Logotheti, 'it's a private matter.

If Logotheti had not insisted on sitting still that afternoon nothing might have happened. If he had gone out, or if he had shut himself up with his statue, beyond the reach of visitors, his destiny might have been changed, and one of the most important events of his life might never have come to pass.

'No, Logotheti answered with a smile, 'why should I? If a detective told me anything against you I should not believe it, and no one could tell me half the good I believe about you! 'You're really awfully nice, laughed Margaret, for she could not help being flattered. 'Forgive me, please!

His sudden calm was exasperating, for Margaret did not know him well enough to see that below the surface his blood was boiling. She tapped the blue tiled floor sharply with the toe of her shoe. 'It's outrageous! she said with energy. 'I quite agree with you. Won't you sit down? Logotheti looked at the divan. Margaret half sat upon the arm of a big leathern chair. 'Oh, you agree with me?

They had seen sights she could never see, in countries where the law, if there was any, took it for granted that men would risk their lives for what they wanted. She, who was not easily frightened, suddenly felt the fear of the unknown, and the unknown was somehow embodied in Logotheti.

Logotheti put away his jewelled pencil, took out his jewelled fountain pen again, spread the cheque on the seat of the bench beside him and filled it in for the amount, including the halfpenny. He handed it to her, holding it by the corner. 'It's wet, he observed. 'It's drawn on the Bank of England.

There was the 'lady' side, and there was the 'actress' side; and unfortunately, thought Logotheti, there was now no longer the slightest doubt as to which was the stronger. Margaret Donne was already a memory; the reality was 'Cordova, who was going to have a fabulous success and would soon be one of the most successful lyric sopranos of her time.