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Never a night for the last ten years have I lain down without a prayer to the Virgin for thy safety and happiness; never a day but I have so lived that my conduct shall be worthy of thee. Though I am the son of thy father's licenciado, thou well knowest the blood of a long line of proud warriors burns in my veins.

As arrangements had already been made regarding the transportation of the baggage by mules, the advice seemed good, and I remained where I was. A long time passed, and when, at last, the coach arrived, it contained but one passenger, a dignified licenciado.

They can prove that they were out at almost any time; and I think that all the first generation of them deserve a pension more than any that went to the Mexican war. Aquí está encerrada el alma del licenciado Pedro Garcias. If I should ever make a little book out of these papers, which I hope you are not getting tired of, I suppose I ought to save the above sentence for a motto on the title-page.

En la villa de Valladolid á veinte é ocho dias del mes de setiembre de mill y quinientos y setenta y seis años, habiendo visto los Señores licenciado D. Francisco de Menchaca del Consejo de S.M., é dotor Guijano de Mercado, é licenciado Andrés de Álava Inquisidores, juntamente con los Señores licenciado Luis Tello Maldonado, D. Pedro de Castro, Francisco de Albornoz, oidores desta Real audiencia é chancillería, asistiendo á ello por ordinario del obispado de Salamanca el Señor doctor Frechilla catredático en esta universidad, por virtud del poder que para ello tiene del Señor obispo de Salamanca, que está en el secreto deste Sancto Oficio, el proceso criminal de fray Luis de Leon, de la órden de Sancto Agustin; los dichos Señores le votaron en la forma siguiente.

Subsequently the licenciado Rodrigo de Figueroa was appointed by the court, in 1520, to determine the tribes of South America, who were to be regarded as of Carib race, or as cannibals; and those who were Guatiaos,* that is, Indians of peace, and friends of the Castilians. The Spanish historians often employ the word guatiao to designate a branch of nations.

Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America, chiefly from the Spanish Archives. Published in the Original, with Translations, Illustrative Notos, Maps, and Biographical Sketches. By K.G. SQUIER, M.A., F.S.A., etc., etc. New York: Charles B. Norton. 1860. No. I. Carta dirigida al Key de Espana, por el Licenciado Dr.

When I asked the driver where my companions were, he answered that they had refused to come because I had sent no written order to that effect. I suggested that we should turn back and get them, but to this proposition he gave refusal. Not only so, but the licenciado expressed vexation at the delay which he was suffering, and demanded that we should go on at once.

Son of the foremost lawyer of his native town of Utrera, educated in Sevilla at the best university of his province, already at twenty-four himself a fully accredited licenciado, Mauro's future held actually brilliant prospects for a man of the station into which he was born. And yet, most envied of his classmates though he was, to Mauro himself the future loomed black, forbidding, cheerless.