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'My dear Catherine! she cried, effusively kissing Catherine's glowing cheek under the shelter of the laurustinus that made a bower of the gate. 'My dear Catherine! Catherine gazed at her in astonishment. Mrs. Thornburgh's eyes were all alive, and swarming with questions. If it had been Rose she would have let them out in one fell flight. But Catherine's personality kept her in awe.

She walked quickly down the laurustinus alley toward the gate; there she paused a moment, glancing about the little shady square. The stone benches under the trees were empty, and she seemed to gather resolution from the solitude about her, for she crossed the square to the steam-boat landing, and he saw her pause before the ticket-office at the head of the wharf. Now she was buying her ticket.

Transient visions pass before his mind's eye of dewy summer mornings, when the shadows are long on the grass, and of bright autumn afternoons, when it would be luxury to saunter in the neighbouring lanes; and of frosty winter days, when the sun shines in over the laurustinus at the window, while the fire burns with a different light from that which it gives in the dull parlours of a city.

We mustn't do anything inconsiderate." The nephew, muttering and feeling his calf, withdrew to his study. And the old lady, having put on her bonnet, set forth placidly, unaccompanied by her little white dog. On arriving at the castle embedded in acacias and laurustinus she asked of the maid who opened: "Can I see Mrs. Scarlet?" "No," replied the girl dispassionately; "she's dead." "Mr.

"My father humoured me, and we drew near to the laurustinus hedge, and looked over into the gay little garden.

Though gentlemen, as a rule, have no mercy on trees, and ladies are equally inclined to cry, 'Woodman, spare that tree, the rule was reversed, for Miss Arthuret was cutting, and ordering cutting all round her ruthlessly with something of the pleasure of a child in breaking a new toy to prove that it is his own, scarcely listening when the Admiral told her what the trees were, and how beautiful in their season; while even as to the evergreens, she did not know a yew from a cedar, and declared that she must get rid of this horrid old laurustinus, while she lopped away at a Portugal laurel.

Here she has put up a reed fence round a laurustinus bush which flowers at the same time of year as did the Holy Flower, and within this reed fence she sits whenever the weather will allow, as I believe going through 'the rites of the Flower. At least when I called upon her there one day, in a boat, I found her wearing a white robe and singing some mystical native song."

"Oh, you won't, won't you?" cried a gruff voice; and old Dan'l came from behind a laurustinus clump. "You, Peter you go and get a basket full o' them brickbats from down by the frames, and we'll soon see whether he'll stop there." "Yah! go on with your old brickbats. Who cares for you!" cried Bob. "Yah! look at him! Who stole the boat, and cried to go home again? Who stole the boat?"

Hyacinth, Purple Sorrow. I am sad. Hydrangea Heartlessness. Ivy Wedded Love. We are happy. Jasmine, White I desire a return of my affection. Larkspur Haughtiness. Laurel Ambition. I will win. Laurustinus A token. Pray remember. Lavender Acknowledgment. Lilac Fastidiousness. Lily, White Purity and beauty. Magnolia You are beautiful. Marigold Jealousy I have cause. Mignionette I live for thee.

"Carry with you some evergreens and flowers to put upon her coffin indeed, gather a great many, and completely bury her in them. Get some boughs of laurustinus, and variegated box, and yew, and boy's-love; ay, and some bunches of chrysanthemum. And let old Pleasant draw her, because she knew him so well." "I will, ma'am.