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"No, sir, I don't. But if I haven't got your fingerprints, how am I going to tell them from the thief's?" "Oh, I see," Blensop said with a note of allayed apprehension, and put himself on record. The door opening to admit Colonel Stanistreet, Lanyard rose.

Or why had Velasco been so quick to communicate recognition of Lanyard to an employee of the United States Secret Service? For that matter, why had he felt called so publicly to descant upon the natural history of the Lone Wolf? In order to focus upon that one the attentions of his enemies? Or to put him on guard? It was altogether perplexing. Was one to esteem Velasco friend or foe?

Simultaneously a softly-modulated voice advised him in purest German: "Be quite still, Herr Lanyard, and hold up your hands so! Also, see that you utter no sound till I give you leave.... Karl, the handkerchief." Lanyard stood motionless, hands well elevated, while a heavy silk blindfold was whipped over his eyes and knotted tight at the back of his head.

"'Like a lanyard for your bag; but it's an odd one, seems to me. 'Yes, rather oddish, said the Lakeman, holding it at arm's length before him; 'but I think it will answer. Shipmate, I haven't enough twine, have you any? "But there was none in the forecastle. "'Then I must get some from old Rad; and he rose to go aft. "'You don't mean to go a begging to him! said a sailor. "'Why not?

He saw Michael Lanyard a sorry figure, sitting stultified with self-pity ... crying over spilt milk.... Impatiently he shook himself. What though he had to-night forfeited his chances? He could, nay, would, make others. He must.... To what end? Would life be sweeter if one found a way to restore to Cecelia Brooke her precious document and to smuggle back to Mrs. Arden her pilfered diamonds?

One of these fine days, if you don't stop playing with such weapons, one of these will go off right in your hand and the next high-light in your history will be when the judge says: 'And may the Lord have mercy on your soul!" Victor confided his sentiments to a handkerchief with which he was mopping his face. Lanyard sat down and wagged a reproving head.

"The Assyrian's wireless room was under guard: the captain published no bulletins whatever." The Bavarian gave a gesture of impatience. "You will remain on board for the night," he announced heavily. "Pardon!" Lanyard insisted with every evidence of anxious excitement. "What you tell me makes it more than ever imperative that I reach New York without an hour's avoidable delay.

Liane shut the door behind her, and reapproached the bed, trembling with an anger that rendered her forgetful, so that she relapsed into French. "You think she was listening?" "English, please!" To this Lanyard added a slight shrug.. "It is hard to believe," Liane averred unhappily. "After all these years... I have been kind to that one, too!" "Ah, well!

Lanyard grumbled resignedly; and tossing the man a five-franc piece, applied his knuckles to the door of an outwardly commonplace hotel particulier in the rue Chaptal between the impasse of the Grand Guignol and the rue Pigalle.

Having fulfilled his purpose of making himself acquainted with the personnel of the opposition, Lanyard slammed the door in its face, thrust his hands in his pockets, and sauntered down stairs, chuckling, his nose in the air, on the best of terms with himself. True, the fat was in the fire and well a-blaze: he had to look to himself now, and go warily in the shadow of their enmity.