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"What do you want to know for?" "Sell papers. What do you s'pose?" "Old man lost his job?" There could be but one motive for engaging in the paper business according to his simple mind. John thought a moment. It was all very well to tell his chum of the cause for the sudden desire for money, but not this boy. The love affair would be all over school by morning recess.

Graham asked. "Well," said Foster, "I frankly don't know very much. In fact, it looks as if your Canadian friends didn't trust me very far, but just told me enough to make me understand my job. No doubt, that was wisest, although it's not flattering.

For Henderson, Jr.'s, expenses to San Francisco, and again for Henderson when he was out of a job Mr. Bell remembered the boy's writing for the money, and his not having it, and Mrs. Bell saying she could arrange with Diantha. Arrange! And that girl had kept this niggardly account of it!

He returned to the loft with a large, thick sack, made of flax, which he threw down, exclaiming, "There, that is better than hay, is it not?" Heidi began tugging away at the sack with all her little might, in her efforts to get it smooth and straight, but her small hands were not fitted for so heavy a job.

"So you wouldn't have been working with me if whatever has been going on weren't somehow connected with the plasmoids." "Oh, yes, I would," said Pilch. "Or old Cranadon. Someone like that. We do give service as required when somebody has the good sense to ask for it. But obviously, we couldn't have dropped that other job just now and come to Manon to clear up some individual difficulty."

"There is," he said, "the little matter of the fact that in all innocence but nevertheless quite actually we wiped out Thule Base. "If we don't get the big Confusor in operation very soon, it may be that we shall spend a good deal of time in Earth's courts proving our innocence while someone else botches most thoroughly the job of creating a Confusor that could take us to the stars.

I don't want to lose my job, an' I don't want to be hindered from attendin' to this boy." They had ridden as far as the first aspen grove when Wade concluded this remark. Columbine halted her horse, causing her companion to do likewise. Her former misgivings were augmented by the intelligence of Wade's sad, lined face. "Ben, tell me," she whispered, with a hand going to his arm.

We'd been married nearly a month before I woke up to what a fool thing I'd done. There I was, tryin' to feed and clothe two people, besides payin' the rent and furniture installments, all on sixteen per. I got a job as cashier in a quick lunch place next day. Tim didn't like it a bit; did you, Tim?" Mr. Moran grins good-natured. "That's the way he stormed around at home," says Millie.

We just finished something pretty fierce." She pointed back of her, but without looking. "Why not sit down on that stone?" He indicated a fallen slab at her feet. She looked at it with frank longing, but smiled a refusal. "Dassent," she said. "I'd be asleep in no time." "Cheer up! We'll soon finish this man's job." The girl looked at him with eyes already freshened.

She had to go out and earn Barry's five dollars she'd lose her job if she didn't, so she said, and Rose was presently left alone to dream, actually for the first time, of the wonders that were before her. What a silly little idiot she'd been not to have seen the thing for herself!