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Ye may trust safely. By the living God, Ye give him over, not to his good angel! A stranger left it, and is gone. The prince-duke's horses wait for you below. "Be sure, make haste! Your faithful Isolani." O that I had but left this town behind me. To split upon a rock so near the haven! Away! This is no longer a safe place For me! Where can my son be tarrying! OCTAVIO and MAX. PICCOLOMINI.

There are none but friends here, are there? Take him off with you, force him off, I entreat you, Butler! Field-marshal! a word with you. A thousand for one. Fill; fill it once more up to the brim. To this gallant man's health! Slow and sure, my noble brother! Hast parsed it all yet? Some words yet to go through? Ha? What am I to do? TERZKY, and at the same time ISOLANI. Sign your name.

ISOLANI. My life long will it anger me to think, How when I went to court seven years ago, To see about new horses for our regiment, How from one antechamber to another They dragged me on and left me by the hour To kick my heels among a crowd of simpering Feast-fattened slaves, as if I had come thither A mendicant suitor for the crumbs of favor That fell beneath their tables.

Let it stay till to-morrow. It is business; to-day I am not sufficiently collected. Send it to me to-morrow. TERZKY. Nay, collect yourself a little. ISOLANI. Awake man, awake! Come, thy signature, and have done with it! What! Thou art the youngest in the whole company, and would be wiser than all of us together! Look there! thy father has signed; we have all signed. Use your influence.

OCTAVIO. That is the case. The prince-duke is a traitor Means to lead over to the enemy The emperor's army. Now, count! brief and full Say, will you break your oath to the emperor? Sell yourself to the enemy? Say, will you? ISOLANI. What mean you? I I break my oath, d'ye say, To his imperial majesty? Did I say so! When, when have I said that? OCTAVIO. You have not said it yet not yet.

WALLENSTEIN. Isolani! TERZKY. Him thou hast sent away. Yes, surely. TERZKY. No? Hast thou not sent him off? Nor Deodati? They are vanished, both of them. To them enter ILLO. ILLO. Has Terzky told thee? TERZKY. He knows all. ILLO. And likewise That Esterhatzy, Goetz, Maradas, Kaunitz, Kolatto, Palfi, have forsaken thee. TERZKY. Damnation! Hush! Terzky! Heaven! What is it? What has happened?

ISOLANI. He has done me service but if he's a villain, Perdition seize him! All scores are rubbed off. OCTAVIO. I am rejoiced that you are so well disposed. This night break off in the utmost secrecy With all the light-armed troops it must appear As came the order from the duke himself. At Frauenberg's the place of rendezvous; There will Count Gallas give you further orders.

Read This oath here, whether as 'tis here set forth, The wording satisfies you. They've all read it, Each in his turn, and each one will subscribe His individual signature. "Ingratis servire nefas." ISOLANI. That sounds to my ears very much like Latin, And being interpreted, pray what may it mean? TERZKY. No honest man will serve a thankless master.

BUTLER. After the obligation which the duke Had laid so newly on me ILLO. I had forgotten A pleasant duty major-general, I wish you joy! ISOLANI. What, you mean, of this regiment? I hear, too, that to make the gift still sweeter, The duke has given him the very same In which he first saw service, and since then Worked himself step by step, through each preferment, From the ranks upwards.

ISOLANI. Plague upon them! all the Germans think so Esterhazy, Kaunitz, Deodati, too, Insist upon obedience to the court. OCTAVIO. I am rejoiced to hear it. ISOLANI. You rejoice? OCTAVIO. That the emperor has yet such gallant servants, And loving friends. ISOLANI. Nay, jeer not, I entreat you. They are no such worthless fellows, I assure you. OCTAVIO. I am assured already.