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Had she been his social equal, had her intelligence and education matched her personal beauty, he would have forgotten Zuleika, thrown himself impetuously at her feet and solicited her hand. As it was, while Monte-Cristo's daughter possessed his entire heart, Annunziata Solara enslaved his senses. She received his approaches as a matter-of-course, without diffidence, without a blush.

"Have you an answer?" she impetuously demanded, rising to meet him as he entered. "Yes, miss, here it is," replied the boy, handing a neatly folded, highly perfumed little note. "Go," said Cap, curtly, as she received it.

Gorman, Grace Draper's sister. So I was to live in a house of Grace Draper's choosing, after all! This was the thought that came most forcibly to me when Mr. Brennan, the owner of the house Dicky had impetuously decided to rent, told us that Miss Draper had looked over the place for an artist friend, and that she would have taken it only for finding another house nearer her own home.

Then suddenly and impetuously he cried: "I'll tell you, Juan Ramon! I'll give you gold enough to keep you drunk and your mistress clothed in silks and satins for the rest of your days! Aye, the finest pair of horses in all Mexico shall draw your carriage, and you shall have money to gamble."

Bridget seemed to be considering. 'Wasn't I? I'm not so sure of that. No she went on impetuously, 'I was not REALLY in love with him. He had a magnetic influence over me as I told you. Perhaps I might get a little under it again if he were to appear suddenly without his wife it turns me sick to think of a married man having a magnetic influence over me.... Even if there was no wife now.

They were as powerful as the gallant young knight who rode past her window singing to battle, where he swooped upon the enemy impetuously from this side and that, heedless of the obstacles in the way, or worked two of them into such a position that, though one might escape, the other was doomed to bite the dust, Yet the bishop, man of peace though he proclaimed himself, was as powerful as he, but not so powerful as a baron in his well-fortified castle.

And Dinah found the strange sad eyes upon her, alight with a smile of welcome. She went forward impetuously, and in a moment Isabel's cold hands were clasped upon her warm ones. "I have been waiting for you, dear child," the low voice said. "What have you been doing?" Dinah suddenly felt as if she were standing in the presence of a princess.

But Janet answered self-consciously: "I don't think I must leave mother. You'll be perfectly all right by yourself." Hilda impetuously turned her head; their glances met for an instant, in suspicion, challenge, animosity. They had an immense mutual admiration the one for the other, these two; and yet now they were estranged. Esteem was nullified by instinct.

You think that of me?" "I may have been deceived; I hope so; there was but little light, and I got merely a glimpse," he explained hastily. "You were deceived," impetuously. "I was not out of the house that evening. I was in the parlor with my father when those shots were fired. You are sure you saw a woman there hiding?"

"Well, my dear," replied the father, with the glimmer of a smile, "you were a bit preoccupied yesterday; though I don't wonder at that." "I see it all now," cried Annie, impetuously. "But it was with myself I was preoccupied, and therefore I made a fool of myself. I was rude to you last night also, Mr. Gregory, so taken up was I with my own wonderful being."