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"But surely, my dear sir," said Perker to his client the following morning, "you don't really mean, seriously now, that you won't pay these costs and damages?" "Not one halfpenny," said Mr. Pickwick. "Hooroar for the principle, as the money-lender said ven he vouldn't renew the bill," observed Mr. Samuel Weller. III. In the Fleet Prison Two months later Mr.

Who spoke?" said the exhausted lad, making an effort, catching at Peter, and dragging himself up and sitting clinging tightly to his companion's arm. "Close in, sir. We shall be at the campong in five minutes, and in less than another on the parade-ground. Hooroar, sir! There's no place like home, even if it's out in a savage jungle. Here, what are you panting at, sir, like that? Don't do it!

I would sooner be put back again upon that piece of wreck, on which I have so often floated, since my preservation, in my dreams, and there left to drift, and drive, and die! 'Hooroar, my lad! exclaimed the Captain, in a burst of uncontrollable satisfaction. 'Hooroar! hooroar! hooroar!

Why, he'd want five shillings at least before he'd stir." "Five shillings!" cried Waller contemptuously. "Why, Bunny, I'd give him five pounds." "You would, sir? Then hooroar!" "What do you mean by your hooroar?" cried Waller. "Why, hooroar, of course, I've got the chap as would do it." "Where?" cried Waller.

The cheer that burst forth was only faint, but it was true as the British steel with which the men stood ready to deliver their final thrusts. "The last two, Mister Archie!" panted Peter in a low tone. "Let 'em have 'em, sir, and then be ready. I've got another rifle and bay'net. Fire, and chuck the Doctor's gun at them and hooroar! We will die game!"

"All fast?" "Yes; all right," I said; and the next moment Bob Hampton was climbing in. "Sent me to help you, my lad. Hooroar! the ship's our own again." In another minute Barney was up alongside, and he was followed by Mr Frewen and Mr Brymer. These all seized guns. "They're not loaded," I said sadly. "Never mind, my lad; appearances go a long way," said Mr Brymer. "The scoundrels will not know.

'Tain't as if it was a Bri'sh rifle and the sergeant coming round and giving you hooroar for not keeping your arms in order. That would be a good way, wouldn't it, because the musket-stock wouldn't weigh any heavier when you had done than when you had begun." "Well, are you satisfied now, Punch, that he isn't talking about you?"

'Hooroar! and the Captain exhibiting a strong desire to clink his glass against some other glass, Mr Dombey, with a ready hand, holds out his. The others follow; and there is a blithe and merry ringing, as of a little peal of marriage bells. Other buried wine grows older, as the old Madeira did in its time; and dust and cobwebs thicken on the bottles.

"Here you are, sir," came in a hoarse voice; "got at the tank quite easy, and I found a sound glass." Then the sturdy fellow gave a frisk after the fashion of an ancient goat. "Hooroar!" he cried; "Jack's alive O! I knew he wouldn't die a bit!" "Hush! Silence, man!" cried the doctor. "Mind! you're spilling the water."

"Dessay you could, my lad, but I wouldn't advise you to try a sixpenny fishing-line with a cork float and a three-joint hazel rod with a whalebone top you know that sort, eh?" "Know it? I should think I do," cried Tom. "So does Mas'r Harry here. We used to ketch the gudgeons like hooroar down in the sharp water below the mill up at home."