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'Good-night, Mr Headstone, said the Mistress. The pupil had been, in her state of pupilage, so imbued with the class-custom of stretching out an arm, as if to hail a cab or omnibus, whenever she found she had an observation on hand to offer to Miss Peecher, that she often did it in their domestic relations; and she did it now. 'Well, Mary Anne? said Miss Peecher.

"Grown out of knowledge! Eightpence halfpenny you owe me now. I had to put on another farthing a week because his appetite grew so big. I knew you would rather pay more than see him suffer. And the guinea-pig died. There's twopence extra for funeral expenses. We put him in the orchard beside the dogs, and made a headstone out of your old slate.

The hope of a joyful resurrection, however rudely displayed, may bring comfort to wounded hearts; but it is difficult to conceive the feelings of bereaved parents who could sanction the representation of a beloved boy, cut off in the brightest hour of life, coffined and skeletoned in the grave! Above the coffin on Alderton's headstone is an ornament, apparently palms.

'Sir, replied Bradley, very restlessly indeed, 'I know all the circumstances of that case. 'Pray tell me, Mr Headstone, said the Secretary. 'Does the sister suffer under any stigma because of the impossible accusation groundless would be a better word that was made against the father, and substantially withdrawn? 'No, sir, returned Bradley, with a kind of anger. 'I am very glad to hear it.

Like a fog under a wind, the mist swept from the eyes of Anthony; he looked out and saw that the face of the grey man was infinitely sad, and there was a hungry tenderness that reached out, enveloped, weakened him. He glanced down, saw that his heel was on the mount of the grave; saw again the headstone and the time-blurred inscription: "Here sleeps Joan, the wife of William Drew.

'He has so reduced design after design, that the whole thing has been nothing but waste labour for me; till in the end it has become a common headstone, which a mason put up in half a day. 'A common headstone? said Barnet. 'Yes. I held out for some time for the addition of a footstone at least. But he said, "O no he couldn't afford it."

Charley, entering the dark room, stopped short when he saw his old friend in its yellow shade. 'Come in, Hexam, come in. Charley advanced to take the hand that was held out to him; but stopped again, short of it. The heavy, bloodshot eyes of the schoolmaster, rising to his face with an effort, met his look of scrutiny. 'Mr Headstone, what's the matter? 'Matter? Where?

She looked more closely at the little group. A gentleman in a long linen duster, with a loosely rolled umbrella under his arm, was gazing at the church most earnestly. He stepped back to get a better view, and colliding with a mossy headstone, turned and bowed to it politely with an apology.

It all happened in a flash. Barber come running up the dusty road in his black, and passed me as I stood by the churchyard gate, and up towards the church; but sudden in the path he stopped short, his eyes seeming starting out of his head as he looked at Ellen's grave not that he could see her name, the headstone being turned the other way, and he put his hands before his eyes and stood still a-trembling, like a rabbit when the dogs are on it, and it can't find no way out.

The sunshine on his face, and the sound of a knife cutting wood awoke him; and there was Adrian whittling away at a broad slab of cedar, smiling and jeering, and in the best of spirits, despite his rather solemn occupation. "For a fellow who wouldn't sleep, you've done pretty well. See. I've caught a fish and set it cooking. I've picked a pile of berries, and have nearly finished this headstone.