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Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Oh what a blessed assurance! goodness and mercy while here in this world of trial all things working together for our good, that so we may be brought at last safely to our desired haven and then to be forever with the Lord!"

"If it ever does, I will remember your goodness." Gilbert looked scrutinisingly at Marian Holbrook as she stood before him with the cold gray light of the sunless day full upon her face. He wanted to read the story of her life in that beautiful face, if it were possible. He wanted to know whether she was happy with the man who had stolen her from him.

The whole town's surprised out of its wits, and wild to know what's happened. Why shouldn't we know, too?" "Oh, yes, let's go down," cried Milly. "By this time Thérèse is certain to be in mother's room, in hysterics and nothing else! We'll make her stop and drape herself in a blanket and dress us." "Thank goodness I can dress myself, and in five minutes," I said.

James smiled wistfully. "I can give you only a thumbnail sketch," he said, "until I have had time to study the subjects that lead up to the final theory." "Goodness," exclaimed Mrs. Bagley, "all I want is a brief idea. I wouldn't understand the principles at all." "Well, then, my mother, as a cerebral surgeon, knew the anatomy of the human brain.

Stowe is all instinct; it is the very reason that she appears to some to have no talent.... I cannot say that she has talent as one understands it in the world of letters, but she has genius as humanity feels the need of it, the genius of goodness, not that of the man of letters, but of the saint.... In matters of art, there is but one rule, to paint and to move."

She had nearly stumbled over Phronsie Pepper's little body, lying just where it fell when hope was lost. "I have had nothing to do with it," repeated Mrs. Chatterton to herself, following Mr. King and Jasper as they bore Phronsie downstairs, her yellow hair floating from the pallid little face. "Goodness! I haven't had such a shock in years. My heart is going quite wildly.

I want you to repeat Turn around here, can't you? What's the matter with you?" "Don't order me around like that," muttered Mr. Smilk, still with his face averted. "I've got the gun now and I'll do as I damn' please. You can't talk to me like " "Goodness! Who is this man?" cried the lady, stopping short to regard the blasphemer with shocked, disapproving eyes.

It is forgotten that the carrying out of any such system presupposes, on the part of adults, a degree of intelligence, of goodness, of self-control, possessed by no one. The error made by those who discuss questions of domestic discipline, lies in ascribing all the faults and difficulties to the children, and none to the parents.

The Princess awoke, troubled by her dream, and said, 'All males are like this pigeon, worthless creatures: and men in general lack grace and goodness to women." When the old woman had ended her story, the Prince said to her, "O my mother, I desire to have one look at her, though it be my death; so do thou contrive me some contrivance for seeing her."

And once at the end of a lesson he said, as if to himself: "May goodness forgive me if I'm takin' what he'd have done better with. But sure he's young he's plenty of chances yet."