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"Do the kings rank just as they did below?" "No; a body can't bring his rank up here with him. Divine right is a good-enough earthly romance, but it don't go, here. Kings drop down to the general level as soon as they reach the realms of grace. I knew Charles the Second very well one of the most popular comedians in the English section draws first rate.

A horseman was coming in from the west, making for the Silver Hollow, but Tharon smiled and her fingers relaxed on the gun. This man rode straight like a lance, she thought and his mount was brown, a good-enough common horse, but no steed of Lost Valley. Captain lacked the fire, the ramping keenness of the Ironwoods, the spirit and dash of the Finger Marks.

"Do you think many fathers would do this sort of thing, Dad?" said Hal warmly. "Any sensible one would. I don't want to own you, Boyee. I want you to own yourself. And to make yourself," he added slowly. "If I can make myself like you, Dad " "Oh, I'm a good-enough piece of work, for my day and time," laughed the father. "But I want a fine finish on you.

It was she who suggested that they must have a name for him, and the name of a part of Manchester had provided one. There was a place called Strangeways, and one night when, in talking to her father, she referred to it in Tembarom's presence, he suddenly seized upon it. "Strangeways," he said. "That'd make a good-enough name for him. Let's call him Mr. Strangeways.

The great majority of Americans would expect a book written about "The Promise of American Life" to contain chiefly a fanciful description of the glorious American future a sort of Utopia up-to-date, situated in the land of Good-Enough, and flying the Stars and Stripes.

In all the arts and by the arts I mean all disinterested and liberal practical occupations the difficulty is not that sufficiently authoritative standards do not exist, but that they are not applied. The standard which is applied is merely that of the good-enough. The juries are either too kindly or too lax or too much corrupted by the nature of their own work.

Captain Rothesay had no will to listen to more personal revelations from honest John Dent; so he said, quickly, "Perhaps so, my good fellow." Then added, "Mr. Gwynne has a mother living with him, I believe. What sort of person is she?" "Her's a good-enough lady, oi reckon: only a bit too proud.

And she felt a deep gratitude toward her brother-in-law when he broke through his usual reserve in order to come to the rescue of the German. "Oh, yes, of course, he's a good-enough fellow," said Madariaga, excusing himself. "But he comes from a land that I detest." When Desnoyers made a trip to Buenos Aires a few days afterward, the cause of the old man's wrath was explained.

The insentient masquerader on the floor had called himself "good-enough Smith"; he must serve now as good-enough Lanyard, at least for the Lone Wolf's purposes; the police at all events would accept him as such.

This is certain, however, that N'gori himself was a good-enough man at heart, and if there was evil in his actions be sure that behind him prompting, whispering, subtly threatening him, was his malignant son, a sinister figure with one eye half closed, and a figure that went limping through the city with a twisted smile.