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Nut-crackers and a fruit-knife lay on our side of the stand, and Hewitt turned the stand to offer him the knife. "No, thanks," he said; "I only polish a good apple, never peel it. It's a mistake, except with thick-skinned foreign ones." And he began to munch the apple as only a boy or a healthy athlete can. Presently he turned his head to order coffee.

Perkins cane into possession of the facts, and it was then, of course, too late to mention it to Jane. "You should have given her a good talking to at the time," said Mrs. Perkins. "It's awful! I don't know what has got into Jane. My best table-cloth has got a great hole in it, and she is very careless with the silver. My fruit-knife last night was not clean."

She saw the young man wiping a drop of amber juice from his beard, and wondered where the Abigail found her self-command as she watched her slowly peeling one of the finest pears with a silver fruit-knife which she took from her traveling satchel.

I made him, besides giving me a penny for a penny, pay me a quarter of his bread and butter at breakfast and a quarter of his cheese at supper; and before the half-year was out, I got from him a silver fruit-knife, a box of compasses, and a very pretty silver-laced waistcoat, in which I went home as proud as a king: and, what's more, I had no less than three golden guineas in the pocket of it, besides fifteen shillings, the knife, and a brass bottle-screw, which I got from another chap.

Nobody was hurt; but I wish you could have seen the eyes o' that family an' their hands yes, an' their tonsils too. They didn't seem fully prepared. After a time the doctor got his heart to pumpin' again, an' he roars out, "Vat are you doin' vat are you doin'?" "I'm advertisin' tobacco," sez I, tryin' to cut the kettle off my head with a fruit-knife.

The horrible art of poisoning reached to such a pitch in Florence that a woman, dividing a peach with a duke, using a golden fruit-knife with one side of its blade poisoned, ate one half of the peach herself and killed the duke with the other half. A pair of perfumed gloves were known to have infiltrated mortal illness through the pores of the skin.

If that lank-and-leather-jawed gentleman, with complexion bespeaking a temperament dry and adust, and who has long been sedulously occupied in feeling the edge of his fruit-knife with the ball of his thumb do not commit suicide before September, Lavater must have been as great a goose as Gall.

He lets well-dressed folks alone, but snaps at the legs of the ragged. Here the doctor was interrupted by a general chorus of disapproval, and Miss Thyra bitterly gripped the fruit-knife in her little hand. But there were some who wanted to hear what mankind had learned from the dog, and Dr.

'A young woman called this morning, sir Well, why not? Dessert was on the table. He saw Adela's fingers take an orange, her other hand holding a little fruit-knife. Now, who could have imagined that the simple paring of an orange could be achieved at once with such consummate grace and so naturally?

Dempster; that his silver fruit-knife, his music-books, and harpischord should be given to little Fannie Mountain; and that his brother should take a lock of his hair, and wear it in memory of his ever fond and faithfully attached George. And he sealed the document with the seal of arms that his grandfather had worn.