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Some were wrapping the 'homoeopathic' in bright envelopes of tinfoil; others boxing the 'bonbons; others coating the 'roll' with its distinctive paper; while others helped the forewoman to count and sort the orders all performing their duties with that celerity which can only be attained by long practice.

The dissolute pleasure-seeker came back to question him. His errant fancy had been caught by one of the mannequins the most beautiful of them, a blonde with a flowerlike face and a figure whose perfection had been boldly attested by the gowns she had worn. The unprincipled proprietor at once demanded from a severe-faced forewoman that this girl be sent for, after which he discreetly withdrew.

"No! You can come back for them," was the answer. "But it it's a real fire!" someone cried. "Our things will be burned up!" "It isn't a fire at all it's only a drill!" insisted the forewoman. "And, even if it were real, and your things were burned, the company would replace them for you. "To the fire escapes! March!"

She had made up her mind that since Mademoiselle Melanie was known to be Mademoiselle de Gramont, she would never again be able to appear among her workwomen, even to superintend their labors, and a large portion of the resigned power must be delegated to the accomplished forewoman.

No young ladies have their dresses made without trimming this winter." "Mrs. Sandford," said I, "I should like to know what the dress would be without trimming." "What would it be, Melinda?" The woman was only a forewoman of her establishment. "Oh, well, Mrs. Sandford, the naked dress I have no doubt could be made for you for five dollars." "You would not have it so, Daisy, my dear?" said Mrs.

Gilmer, whose white brow was knitted with something very like a frown, remarked that she would talk to Mademoiselle Melanie on the subject, by and by. "Mademoiselle Melanie does not usually reverse my decisions," replied the piqued forewoman, with an extravagant show of dignity. "We shall see!" retorted Mrs. Gilmer. "Now let me choose a head-dress for the opera to-night; something original.

The satin-tufted box she was working on dropped from her fingers and clattered on the floor, bringing the forewoman down upon her with many caustic remarks. When the flurry was over I assured her that I thought Bessie fully capable of taking care of herself, although I had seen more of the manager's advances than Eunice gave me credit for observing.

A humane forewoman recently said to me as she glanced down the long room in which hundreds of young women, many of them with their shoes beside them, were standing: "I hate to think of all the aching feet on this floor; these girls all have trouble with their feet, some of them spend the entire evening bathing them in hot water."

The superintendent proved to be a woman, shrewd, keen-faced, and bespectacled. The forewoman sent down word that No. 105 had not rung up that morning, and that I could have her key. The pay was three dollars a week to learners, but Miss Price, the superintendent, thought I could learn in a week's time, which opinion the portly gentleman heartily indorsed, and so I allowed him to enroll my name.

In the middle of all this turmoil, Ruth crept quietly to her place, with a heavy saddened heart at the indisposition of the gentle forewoman. She would gladly have nursed Jenny herself, and often longed to do it, but she could not be spared. Hands, unskilful in fine and delicate work, would be well enough qualified to tend the sick, until the mother arrived from home.