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"But I think somebody ought to be told." "Told what?" asked the senator's son. "About Nat Poole. I got the word from a friend of mine, Joe Devine. Joe was talking with Nat Poole, and he said Nat was very angry at all of us, and angry because Mrs. Wadsworth was giving us the party, especially as he wasn't invited. Joe said Nat intimated that he was going to make the affair turn out a fizzle."

"It comes off on Tuesday, and has been advertised in the last three issues of the Arena. We can't possibly find anybody to take her place. What are we going to do?" "Dorothea Clarke played it last June. Why not telegraph for her to come up. We just can't have a fizzle at the last minute." "Why, Dolly Clarke is in California! Somebody spoke of it in a letter only last week." Peggy groaned again.

But if you say so, Jimmy It's the first time I ever owned up I'm a quitter. Great joke that, when all my life I haven't been anything else, hobo, fizzle, quitter, bum " "Gad! Not that drivel! If you can't explain to her, then keep silent." "No, I don't keep silent till I've had my say," rejoined Blake morosely. "Needn't think I don't know just what I'm saying and what I'm doing."

All the Americans began to study Spanish, and all the Puerto Ricans to study English, without particularly gratifying results on either side. Cocking-mains, local games of chance, and more hectic immoralities were set forth for the delectation of the private soldiers; while I have personal knowledge of at least one quasi-clandestine bullfight, that may be best described as a furtive fizzle.

WHY should a man rush about like a rocket, all pace and fizzle? Why? It makes me furious. I can assure you, sir, I go scorching along the road, and cursing aloud at myself for doing it. A quiet, dignified, philosophical man, that's what I am at bottom; and here I am dancing with rage and swearing like a drunken tinker at a perfect stranger "But my day's wasted.

So their chatter drifted from the people they had seen to Cairy himself, his last play, "which was a rank fizzle," and the plan of the new one. One got on fast and far with Cairy, if one were a woman and felt his charm. By the time they had reached the hotel, he was counselling Isabelle most wisely how she should settle herself in New York.

"Better go slow and sure about that fire. It'd be awfully unlucky to have it fizzle for the first time." "That's so," replied Yan, with the same sort of superstitious dread. "Say, Sam, if we could really light it with rubbing-sticks, wouldn't it be great?" "Hallo!" The boys turned, and there was Caleb close to them. He came over and nodded. "Got yer teepee, I see?

'It may be a hard saying, but surely hell is not too hot nor eternity too long for the punishment of such villainy. Yet the whole of Irish history is disfigured by the poisonous trail of the insidious informer. I was in Kerry at the time of the Cahirciveen fizzle, in the neighbourhood of Dingle, and it was rumoured that the insurrection was to be general.

And directly they came together he began to talk with the kind intention of burying the awkwardness of failure under a heap of words. It looked as if the great assault threatened for that night were going to fizzle out. An inferior henchman ofthat brute Cheesemanwas up boring mercilessly a very thin House with some shamelessly cooked statistics.

Warren Slavens, late of Missouri, was without question the deepest down in the quagmire of failure. He hated himself for the fizzle that he had made of it, and he hated the world that would not open the gates and give him one straight dash for the goal among men of his size.