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The canvas dodgers round the navigating bridge, which they had not had time to remove, were ripped from their seizings and blown away to leeward, where in the glare of the lightning they showed for a few moments like white birds swept away on the wings of the wind.

As a an imitator of Victor Dorn, you'd be a joke." "There's one of his men now," exclaimed Hull, leaning forward excitedly. Jane looked. A working man, a commonplace enough object, was standing under the corner street lamp, the water running off his hat, his shoulders, his coat tail. His package of dodgers was carefully shielded by an oilcloth from the wet which had full swing at the man.

Meg made many moral rules, and tried to keep them, but what mother was ever proof against the winning wiles, the ingenious evasions, or the tranquil audacity of the miniature men and women who so early show themselves accomplished Artful Dodgers? "No more raisins, Demi.

The socialist press of the city jubilantly exploited this utterance, scattering it broadcast over San Francisco in tens of thousands of paper dodgers. And the journalists, stung to the quick, retaliated with the only means in their power-printer's ink abuse. The attack became bitterer than ever. The whole affair sank to the deeper deeps of rancor and savageness.

Dobbins?" "Put it that way if you like," returned Dobbins cheerfully. "There was a knife. That's the long and short of it, don't you see? A boy's pocket knife. It sawed the big moving cable. Snap! Bang! Away went the house. Whose knife? Aha! Dear me who can tell? Sly, hey Frank, boy? We ain't going to tell. No need of it. Artful dodgers ho! ho! ho! Take the five dollars."

If in quite a number of small cakes they were called Dodgers. Corn flour seems to have been peculiarly prepared by Providence for the pioneers. For them it possesses some very great advantages over all other flour. It requires but few and the most simple cooking utensils. It can be rendered very palatable without either yeast, eggs, sugar or spices of any kind.

And then all the concentrated anger she felt at his abandonment of her flamed out in her eyes. She saw more clearly than Mignon; it was stupid in him to have wished to begin the Jonquier ruse a second time those dodgers never succeeded twice running. Well, so much the worse for him! She would have Fauchery!

"Under it, in big type," proceeded he, "we'll carry a line asking, 'Is the Citizens' Alliance fooling these four corporations or is it fooling the people? I think that will be more effective than columns of attack." "We ought to get that out on wall-bills and dodgers," suggested Selma, "and deluge the town with it once or twice a week until election." "Splendid!" exclaimed Victor.

Curtis or any other of the vestrymen, he ran around in front again, and circled on the edge of the rapidly gathering throng, giving away several of the dodgers wherever a hand was held out. "Give them to everyone!" he kept repeating in his shrill voice. "The evil-doers must be turned out of the church!" Then suddenly out of the crowd pushed Mr. Hamerton, breathless and red in the face.

In the hot ashes the good mother baked luscious "corn dodgers," and sometimes, perhaps, a few potatoes. In one end of the camp were the few cooking utensils and little articles of furniture which even the poorest house cannot do without. The rest of the space was the family sitting-room and bed-room.