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There was no chance that he would discover anything new unless it might be by deduction. Wild Rose had reported to him the result of her canvass of the tenants. One or two of them she had missed, but she had managed to see all the rest. Nothing of importance had developed from these talks. Some did not care to say anything.

But these special deductions are just as much justified and necessitated by the rigorous laws of logic as the inductive conclusions on which the whole theory of evolution is built. The doctrine of the animal ancestry of the human race is a special deduction of this kind, and follows with logical necessity from the general inductive law of evolution.

Our faith is not the highest truth that we perceive, but the highest that we have been able to assimilate into the very texture and method of our thinking. It is not, therefore, by flashing before a man's eyes the weapons of dialectic; it is not by induction, deduction, or construction; it is not by forcing him on from one stage of reasoning to another, that the man will be effectually renewed.

The incontestable proof of this deduction is that, however many commands were issued, the event does not take place unless there are other causes for it, but as soon as an event occurs be it what it may then out of all the continually expressed wishes of different people some will always be found which by their meaning and their time of utterance are related as commands to the events.

"Well," said Ned. "What have you found? Have a cigar and let's hear what you've been at." The expert crackled the cigar approvingly between his fingers, lit it with increased approval, and began: "Yon man was behind the curtains all the time." "The devil he was! How do you know?" "Well, sir, it's a matter of deduction.

In this deduction proof was given of the sound judgment and business acumen of those who bore the brunt of the burden in those hot days of battle.

So far as the second swag is concerned, I have come to demand half of it. 'I am not so poor at deduction as you seem to imagine, said Doyle, apparently nettled at the other's slighting reference to his powers. 'I was well aware, when you came in, what your errand was. I deduced further that if you saw Sir George withdraw gold from the bank, you also followed him to Waterloo station.

"And his successor?" "In exile Oh! I see what you are coming to." "My conclusion is certainly not difficult to guess. But have you fully remarked the deduction to be drawn from that royal career? for which I myself feel the greatest respect. Louis XVIII. was not a citizen king. He granted this Charter, but he never consented to it.

It is much more comfortable, and is, in fact, what one always did in the hansom days, and still does in a taxi. So if Holmes was right on this occasion, he was right by luck and not by deduction. But that must be the best of writing a detective story, that you can always make the lucky shots come off.

The honour and glory of having a lover of her own was soon to fall to Molly's share; though to be sure it was a little deduction to the honour that the man who came with the full intention of proposing to her, ended by making Cynthia an offer. It was Mr. Coxe, who came back to Hollingford to follow out the purpose he had announced to Mr.