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I think of my own baby when I hear him, always the same, always so sorrowful. Poor baby! "Yes, it is a baby. Across there you might see, but the storm darkens everything, yonder toward Gaspe, where the little mother lived pauvre mêre.

But unless these two conditions be rigidly observed, it darkens the understanding and enfeebles the soul. Lastly, notice how much easier it is to purpose and to do great things than small ones. I have little doubt that if the Roman soldiers had called on Peter to have made good his boast, and to give up his life to rescue his Master, he would have been ready to do it.

"Says Hilda this?" said the Earl, thoughtfully. "So say the Vala, the rune, and the Scin-laeca! and such is the doom that now darkens the brow of Haco! Seest thou not that the hand of death is in the hush of the smileless lip, and the glance of the unjoyous eye?" "Nay, it is but the thought born to captive youth, and nurtured in solitary dreams. Thou hast seen Hilda? and Edith, my mother?

In summer the deer still wander down the dark ravines and lave their flanks in the river's swelling tide, and in winter the frost-smoke still darkens the air and broods above the open water of the sea; but Fort Chimo, the joy and wonder of the Esquimaux and the hope of the fur-trader, is gone, and a green patch of herbage near the flat rock beside the spring alone remains to mark the spot where once it stood.

"Psyche's sighing all her prison darkens; She is moaning for the far-off stars; Fearing, hoping, every sound she hearkens Fate may now be breaking at her bars. Bound, fast bound, are Psyche's airy pinions: High her heart, her mourning soft and low Knowing that in sultry pain's dominions Grow the palms that crown the victor's brow;

As soon as the plate appears white, cease all rapid motion, but continue to give it a slight undulating one; for if it were allowed to remain still for only a few minutes, the proof would be clouded. By little and little, the surface of the plate takes a yellow tint, which darkens more and more, approaching to bistre.

In the groves the deep shade cast by the widely-spread branches and the thick foliage sometimes darkens the tent too much for reading and writing; but outside, on a chair before a small table, if that be required, one can spend hours very pleasantly reading or writing, as it may be, and listening if inclined to the cawing of the crows, the cooing of the doves, and the notes of other birds, while the gentle breeze rustles through the trees, and the children, if any, play with their toys under them.

His head fell back, that mysterious shadow which darkens the face of the dying a moment before dissolution, was on him now. Just then a strange, suffocating odor began to permeate the air little wreaths of pale smoke made their slow way through the boards of the deck and a fierce gust of wind, blowing seawards from the mountains, swayed the Valkyrie uneasily to and fro.

Oh, yes, ma’am,” said Mrs. Worthington to that lady, who had taken admiring notice of the beautiful silverHoly Angelsmedal that hung from Lucilla’s neck and rested against the dark gown. “Lucilla takes after Mr. Worthington as far as religion goes kind of different though, for I must say it ain’t often he darkens the doors of a church.” Mrs.

The motion of the sea is kept up, partly with fresh musical material, until at last it all but ceases; the watchman sings his song of the soft south wind and falls asleep. Then the sky darkens, the Flying Dutchman comes in, and the storm music rages once more. The reason is obvious.