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In the provinces the priests lay up money." Cesarine hastened to bring her father a little table with writing-things upon it, among them the surplus of invitations printed on pink paper. "Burn all that!" cried her father. "The devil alone could have prompted me to give that ball. If I fail, I shall seem to have been a swindler. Stop!" he added, "words are of no avail."

A petition for reinstatement with corroborative documents was at once deposited by Derville at the office of the procureur-general of the Cour Royale. During the month required for the legal formalities and for the publication of the banns of marriage between Cesarine and Anselme, Birotteau was a prey to feverish agitation. He was restless.

"I have come to tell you something which may perhaps give you as much pleasure as pain?" "Is it anything about Cesarine?" "Cesarine! much I care about your Cesarine!" she said with a saucy air, half serious, half indifferent. This charming Suzanne, whose present comical performance was to exercise a great influence in the principal personages of our history, was a work-girl at Madame Lardot's.

To Césarine, the strains awakened dormant meditations; aspirations frozen in her placid home, began to melt; a curtain was gradually drawn aside to reveal a world where woman reigned over all.

"And there is no trigger or hammer!" exclaimed Césarine, not yet at the end of her wonder. "Obsolete contrivances, always catching in the clothes or in the brambles, and causing the death or maiming of many an excellent man. We have changed all that by doing away with appendages altogether.

"My dream is fulfilled!" said the poor woman, dropping upon the sofa at the corner of the fireplace, pale, livid, terrified. "I foresaw it all. I warned you on that fatal night, in our old room which you pulled to pieces, that we should have nothing left but our eyes to weep with. My poor Cesarine, I " "Now, there you go!" cried Cesar; "you will take away from me the courage I need."

"She did plain sewing in the Rue Montmartre; she made shirts for your father." "Well, now let us begin the list," said Birotteau, "with the upper-crust people. Cesarine, write down Monsieur le Duc and Madame la Duchesse de Lenoncourt " "Good heavens, Cesar!" said Constance, "don't send a single invitation to people whom you only know as customers.

And he wrote the following letter: My dear Brother, I find myself in so severe a commercial crisis that I must ask you to send me all the money you can dispose of, even if you have to borrow some for the purpose. Ever yours, Cesar. Your niece, Cesarine, who is watching me as I write, while my poor wife sleeps, sends you her tender remembrances.

Césarine flung herself upon him with wild devotion. "Oh, Paul, darling," she cried, in English, "I will not, I will not! I will never save myself at your expense. If they send you to prison Paul, Paul, I will go with you!" I remembered as she spoke what Mr. Algernon Coleyard had said to us at the Senator's. "Even the worst of rogues have always some good in them.

"Where is he going?" asked Cesarine of her father, trying to appear indifferent. "He is to set up for himself in the Rue des Cinq-Diamants; and, my faith! by the grace of God!" cried Cesar, whose exclamations were not understood by his wife, nor by his daughter.