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My guilt immediately flew in my face, and told me I had been accessory to this lady's undoing. The sudden shock so affected me, that, had it not been for a dram which the pawnbroker gave me, I believe I should have sunk on the spot." "Accessary to her undoing! how accessary?" said the doctor. "Pray tell me, for I am impatient to hear." "I will tell you all as fast as I can," cries the sick man.

The unnatural and frightful stillness, that reigned within, was gradually communicated to those without. The cries and shouts of triumph ceased, and the crackling of the flames, or the falling of timber in the adjoining buildings, alone disturbed the awful calm. At length a solitary voice was heard in the block. Its tones were deep, solemn, and imploring.

He is a fool, but he is a handsome fool, and a forward fool, and withal a tender fool; and sighs and cries, and calls her his Goddess; and says how he takes to his bed when she is not there, which of course is true. The other day he came to her, white-faced, sobbing like a frightened child, about the ring she had given Monsieur le petit grenouille. And oh, she was so tender with him. And so, Mr.

Dante speaks still more clearly in the ninth and tenth cantos of the 'Inferno. That terrible fiery field covered with half-opened tombs, from which issued cries of hopeless agony, was peopled by the two great classes of those whom the Church had vanquished or expelled in the thirteenth century.

There's a penny not to play. What black thing have you got there by a string?" "My dog, sir!" "Deuced ugly one; not like a dog; more like a bear with horns!" "I say, master," cries the clown, "here's a blind man come to see the Phenomenon!" The crowd laugh; they make way for the blind man's black dog. They suspect, from the clown's address, that the blind man has something to do with the company.

"Let the spirit appear" he cries, as he blows a cloud of incense into Krishna's face.

They no more shuddered on hearing cries of hunger and despair than surgeons shudder at the cries of their patients in hospital; they said, as the soldiers and the dressers said, the perfunctory words, "Have patience! a little courage! What's the good of grieving? Suppose you kill yourself, what then? One gets accustomed to everything; be reasonable!"

In me she finds nothing but the affection of instinct, the woman's natural compassion for the child of her womb. Socially speaking, I am above reproach. Have I not sacrificed my life and my happiness to my child? Her cries go to my heart; if she were to fall into the water, I should spring to save her, but she is not in my heart.

Bruce precipitated his lips to his, and sinking on his knees, remained in a silence only broken by his sighs. It was an awful and heart-breaking pause, for the voice which in all scenes of weal or woe had ever mingled sweetly with theirs, was silent. Bruce, aroused by her smothered cries, as she lay almost expiring, upheld by Gloucester, hurried to her side.

But you try to get the better of him in a bet," says Harry, indignantly. "Is there no such practice in Virginia, and don't sporting men there try to overreach one another? What was that story I heard you telling our aunt, of the British officers and Tom somebody of Spotsylvania!" "That's fair!" cries Harry. "That is, it's usual practice, and a stranger must look out.