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I could write much that would be interesting about the proceedings and the evidence given against and for the Companies; how reckless were many of the charges brought against them, how easily they were disproved; how subtle and disingenuous other charges were and what skill was required to refute them; how some of the witnesses were up in the clouds and had to be brought down to common earth; how conclusively the Companies proved that the railways had done their best to encourage and help every industry and that their efforts had not been unsuccessful; but I will resist the temptation, and proceed to the Reports which the Commissioners presented to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.

For the character and conduct of our own population in the United States show conclusively that nothing so stimulates intelligence in the poor, and at the same time nothing so well enables them to bear the inconveniences of their lot, as a reasonable prospect that with industry and economy they may raise themselves out of the condition of hired laborers into that of independent employers of their own labor.

His experiments conclusively show that an idea is not only "associated" directly with the one that follows it, and with the rest through that, but that it is directly associated with all that are near it, though in unequal degrees.

Secretary Lansing held that the British view of the American sea policy of that period was based on a misconception: "Irregularities there may have been at the beginning of that war, but a careful search of the records of this Government as to the practice of its commanders shows conclusively that there were no instances when vessels were brought into port for search prior to instituting prize court proceedings, or that captures were made upon other grounds than, in the words of the American note of November 7, 1914, evidence found on the ship under investigation and not upon circumstances ascertained from external sources."

Quickly deciding which road he would take, he whipped up, exclaiming conclusively, "it's all right!" "Are you sure?" asked David. "Certainly; I cannot be mistaken." "I don't know," said David. "Let me jump off and run to that light yonder; there must be a cabin there." "Oh, we can't stop for all that," said Jack. "I honestly believe this is the traveled road, David; can't you trust me?"

If he'd cared about me, he'd have thought 'twas a little thing; but he's chosen between us, and he won't go back." "Well," said Sabrina conclusively, "however it turns out, it's here an' you've got to face it. Clelia, I've a good mind to tell you somethin' I ain't ever told anybody." "Yes," said Clelia indifferently, her mind upon herself. "Yes, tell me."

The action of the British ministry during this crisis in Canadian affairs proved quite conclusively that it was not yet prepared to concede responsible government in its fullest sense.

The sheriff shrugged his shoulders. "You'll have to stay," he said conclusively. "I suppose so. Grey, I'm sorry." "Oh, it doesn't matter," replied Grey coldly. "It's not your fault. Well, good-bye. Don't bother to follow me up." "Damn!" ejaculated the good-hearted Robb, as the cutter moved away. "Going to get married, ain't he?" said the sheriff shortly, as Grey departed. "Yes."

It is one of the commonplaces of this question that in the past the Germans have always been loyal subjects and never made a revolution. It is alleged that there has never been a German republic. That is by no means conclusively true. The nucleus of Swiss freedom was the German-speaking cantons about the Lake of Lucerne; Tell was a German, and he was glorified by the German Schiller.

And, as a proof of how deep it penetrates, the drains run freely with it, thus showing conclusively that the subsoil has been well saturated, a point of vital importance to the crop. Deep tillage is another speciality that distinguished the Tiptree Farm regime at the beginning, in which Mr.