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Clancy an' I raysume our argymint on th' Chinese sityation an' afterwards we carol together me singin' th' chune an' him doin' a razor edge tinor.

But first friendship is like first love for the sweet taste it puts in the mouth. Niver but once in his life will a man's heart dance to that chune. 'Twas a small slip of a Saxon lad that it danced for then: a son av a cursed agint, that I should say it. But sorra a thought had I for the small boccawn's nationality nor for his own father's trade.

'Play us th' "Wicklow Mountaineer," he says, 'an' threat th' masheen kindly, he says, 'She'll play no "Wicklow Mountaineer," says Mrs. Donahue. 'If ye want to hear that kind iv chune, ye can go down to Finucane's Hall, she says, 'an' call in Crowley, th' blind piper, she says. 'Molly, she says, 'give us wan iv thim Choochooski things, she said. 'They're so ginteel.

Dillon, in the breathless silence having slowly untied the thongs, held his sack aslant between the two lights, and poured out a stream-nuggets and coarse bright gold. The crowd about the table drew audible breath. Nobody actually spoke at first, except O'Flynn, who said reverently: "Be the Siven! Howly Pipers! that danced at me gran'-mother's weddin' when the divvle called the chune!"

"It's my belief, Peggy, my dear," said he, as he placidly pulled his nightcap over his ears, "that there will be such a ball danced in a day or two as some of 'em has never heard the chune of"; and he was much more happy to retire to rest after partaking of a quiet tumbler, than to figure at any other sort of amusement.

But it was diff'rint wid the others, an' why I cannot say, excipt that some men are borrun mane an' go to dhirty murdher where a fist is more than enough. Afther a whoile, they changed their chune to me an' was desp'rit frien'ly all twelve av thim cursin' O'Hara in chorus. "'Eyah, sez I, 'O'Hara's a divil an' I'm not for denyin' ut, but is he the only man in the wurruld? Let him go.

There was Pat Murphy that brak his leg when he fell with a hod of bricks aff the ladder in Say Strate, and they put a bit of wet rag round it, and the next wake he was dancing a jig to the chune of Paddy Rafferty, at the ball given by the Social Burial Society.

"Dat's his very wustest chune." Saying which he dodged around the corner of the house. Turning in from the lane at the yard gate, Colonel Calvin Blount and his retinue rode close up to the side door of the plantation house; but even here the master vouchsafed no salutation to those who awaited his coming.

"I learned Schwartzmeister th' Shan-van-Voght before we was through; an' I've got th' German naytional chune be heart, 'Ich vice nit wauss allus bay doitan'. What'll ye have to drink, Jawn?" And, as Mr. McKenna went out, he heard his friend muttering: "Freed be th' Dutch! Freed be the Dutch! An' we niver give thim so much as a dillygate."

"That man Dearsley's rushin' on his fate," continued Mulvaney, solemnly wagging his head. "All Hell had no name bad enough for me that tide. Faith, he called me a robber! Me! that was savin' him from continuin' in his evil ways widout a remonstrince an' to a man av conscience a remonstrince may change the chune av his life.