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I had never known Dicky to tell an untruth, and I felt very sure that he would not conceal anything he had done from me; indeed, the great pleasure he had in playing any mischievous prank was, to tell me of it afterwards, if I happened not to be a partaker of it, a very rare occurrence, by-the-bye.

"Dear Innocent, I wouldn't kiss you for the world!" he said, gently "It would be taking a mean advantage of you. I only spoke in fun. There! dry your pretty eyes! you sweet, strange, romantic little soul! You shall have it all your own way!" She drew a long breath of evident relief. "Then you'll tell your uncle " "Anything you like!" he answered. "By-the-bye, oughtn't he to be home by this time?"

My interest in this matter ceases with the delivery of that letter." The Duke rose to his feet. I followed him to the door. "In any case, sir," I said, "I am very much obliged to you for your advice and for bringing me this letter." "By-the-bye," the Duke said, pausing on the threshold, "I fear that we may lose the help of Colonel Ray upon the Council.

His youngest sister was in town, taking music lessons, to fit her for her future occupation; and he had just sent Miss Patsey a pair of globes for her school, as a New Year's gift; the most expensive present, by-the-bye, Charlie had ever made in his life. "I feel quite rich," said the young man, "since I pocketed a hundred a-piece for my two views of Nahant.

It is no great merit in my merely batrachian nature that I am Truly Happy; a cheerful countenance, my friends, is a duty imposed on me by an indulgent Providence." White's Green Frog may, however, be in reality a frog of excellent moral worth: and I trust that Green's White Frog, if ever he is discovered, will be a moral frog too. By-the-bye, some green frogs are blue.

"With your permission, as I came to town in these clothes, made by a German tailor Darmstadt's tailor by-the-bye but still if tailor to a prince, not the prince of tailors I would wish you to take me to your own: your dress appears very correct." "You show your judgment, Newland, it is correct; Stulz will be delighted to have your name on his books, and to do justice to that figure. Allons donc."

"By-the-bye, where is she now? I should like to speak to her. Couldn't you go out to her with me when you get well?" She looked at him with sparkling eyes and a mocking expression. "Don't you wish you may get it!" she answered. "Tell me where she lives, Johanna," Pelle went on, taking her thin hand in his, "there's a good girl!" "Oh, yes, at night!" Pelle frowned.

I was impatient to test the efficacy of his scheme That very afternoon Miss Satan brought me a plate of butter for sale. The price was three and ninepence; twice the sum, by-the-bye, that it was worth. "I have no change," giving her a dollar; "but you can bring it me to-morrow."

The despatches were sent home they certainly differed a little, but that was of no consequence. The sum total of killed and wounded was excessively gratifying to the nation, as it proved that there had been hard fighting. By-the-bye, John Bull is rather annoying in this respect: he imagines that no action can be well fought unless there is a considerable loss.

He made a few remarks about the prospects of the first eleven by way of introduction, and Lewisham agreed with him that Frobisher i. looked like shaping very well this season. A pause followed and the headmaster hummed. "By-the-bye," he said, as if making conversation and still watching the play; "I, ah, understood that you, ah were a stranger to Whortley." "Yes," said Lewisham, "that's so."