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One day, finding themselves in a place where three roads met, they saw two kings advance accompanied by a numerous retinue; one was young and fair of face. He greeted Balthasar and said: "My name is Gaspar. I am a king, and I bear gold as a gift to the child that is about to be born in Bethlehem of Judea." The second king advanced in turn. He was an old man, and his white beard covered his breast.

"But still," he continued, placing his hand in his breast, "the sight of the casket which you have brought to me is a greater shock than the desperado's pistol presented at your head was to you." He passed his hand over his forehead as if the idea bewildered him. "And you say you got it from the Baroness d'Altenberg?" he asked. "Yes," I answered, "I took it from the safe at her direction."

Then was uncovered the mighty saddle of mutton, reposing in the dish of honor, the roast pig, the haunch of venison, the sirloin of beef, the breast of veal, the powdered goose, the noble dish of sheepshead and bluefish, and the pasty in which was entombed a whole flock of pigeons.

Already she was beginning to feel the pain of loss and the weighty irrevocability of everything. "What are we going to do?" she panted, her breast rising and falling alluringly. Her cheeks were bright pink, and her eyes brilliant. Never had she been so near to beauty; but Somerled faced her with a calm very like sullenness. "What are you going to do?" he answered her with a question.

Still there was no reason to be distressed about it, he thought, for it was to be done only if the Florida Indians were willing to make the change, and he knew that the Seminoles would never consent to leave Florida. With arms folded across his breast and a calm eye he watched one chief after another take the pen and make at the end of the treaty his mark or signature.

He attentively read the letter of Junot, senior, then returned it to his friend, and with head sunk down upon his breast he stared gloomily, with contracted eyebrows. "You answer not, general," exclaimed Junot, in extreme anguish. "You do not wish to be my mediator?" Bonaparte raised his head; his cheeks were paler than before, and a gloomy expression was in his eyes.

Behold, a dreadful witness of it!" With a convulsive motion, he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast. It was revealed! But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.

As Margaret was going, she clasped her two children to her breast and kissed them, little thinking it was to be the last time she should ever see them. "Soon after she was gone, I heard some noise in her house, but supposed it might be only the flapping of the door. However, the evening came on, and my neighbour did not come to fetch her children as usual.

'No, she resumed, placidly picking up the lost thread of the conversation, 'I don't know why Miss Lockwood is coming here, I only know that we are to meet in Venice. 'By previous appointment? 'By Destiny, she answered, with her head on her breast, and her eyes on the ground. Francis burst out laughing.

One most remarkable peculiarity was that the Emperor never felt his heart beat. He mentioned this often to M. Corvisart, as well as to me; and more than once he made us pass our hands over his breast, in order to prove this singular exception. The Emperor ate very fast, and hardly spent a dozen minutes at the table.