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There is a carved ivory from China representing a rat sucking an egg; and there is last ah ha! a ball of crystal as big as a bean set on a gold leaf. He clapped his hands at the close. 'He is thy master, said Lurgan Sahib, smiling. 'Huh! He knew the names of the stones, said Kim, flushing. 'Try again! With common things such as he and I both know.

Mien DINGO Dalleerin A LIZARD Gaengaen WILD LIME Willerhderh, or Douran Douran NORTH WIND Bralgah NATIVE COMPANION. Buckandee, native cat kin, claim Buggila LEOPARD WOOD Bean MYALL Bunbundoolooey A LITTLE BROWN BIRD Dunnee Bunbun A VERY LARGE GREEN PARROT Dooroongul HAIRY CATERPILLAR.

The flying pieces of glass injected the poison as by a myriad of hypodermic needles the highly poisonous toxin of abrin, product of the jequirity, which is ordinarily destroyed in the stomach but acts powerfully if injected into the blood. Shirley died of jequirity poisoning, or rather of the alkaloid in the bean. It has been used in India for criminal poisoning for ages.

Tinneray sentimentally, "she looked lovely just like a little wet angel." Mrs. Tuttle carefully smoothed her blue mitts, observing nervously, "Funny how Mis' Tinneray could remember so far back." "Is Hetty your sister by rights," suavely inquired Mrs. Bean, "or ony by your Pa's second marriage, as it were?" The owner of the overestimated parrot roused herself.

Avoid too much sweetening. Lentils may be baked in the same way. Boiled beans: The same as bean soup, except that less water is used. Dressing may be the same as for baked beans. Lentils and peas may be treated in the same way. Beans and corn may be cooked together. The legumes are so very rich that they should be eaten in very simple combinations.

"'S all for 's aft'noon!" He bit savagely into his unlighted cigar and began to rifle through a new sheaf of documents. Bean deftly effaced himself, with a parting glare at the unlighted cigar. It was a feature of Breede that no reporter ever neglected to mention, but Bean thought you might as well chew tobacco and be done with it.

Then the "kids" set about the construction of a new residence, which stood farther from the parade ground than any hut in the row except the big cabin of "old Brownie," the "greasy cook," who called us to "bean oh!" with so resonant a shout, and majestically served out our rations of pork, "salt horse," coffee long-boiled and sickeningly sweet, hardtack, and the daily loaf of a singularly despondent-looking bread.

The smart chaise and the Morgan horse had scarcely disappeared before Margaret Bean came hurriedly out of Lot Gordon's house and went rattling in her starched draperies towards the village; and soon after that the doctor was seen driving thither furiously in his tilting sulky, while windows were opened and spying heads thrust out all along his course.

"Ah, Dolly, you've got a bean," muttered Ellis, sipping his whisky. Meanwhile, the Imperial had been filling up; at about eleven the theatres were over, and now the barroom was full of men. They came in by twos and threes and sometimes even by noisy parties of a half dozen or more.

Besides bundles of old letters, photographs, and numerous little mementoes, there was much of value, fine table and bed linen, and silk dress, some exquisite laces, and a little box of odd pieces of jewelry. "Oh!" Polly burst out, "I forgot grandma's watch! And mama's coral pin and her topaz ring!" "They're downstairs," volunteered Mrs. Bean. "I forgot them, too!"