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Once when up at 200 ft. heighth from which Tony Bean fell, I saw his face right in air in front of me and jumped so I jerked the stuffings out of control wires. March 15: Just out of hospital, after three weeks there, broken leg still in splints. Glad Walter MacM got thru in time limit, got prize. Too week and shaky write much, shoulder still hurts. Wing crumpled. Up at 400 ft.

He had the art, however, pleading all the while duty and discipline, to hold off, until poor Rose, in the extremity of her distress, offered to bribe him to the enterprise with some valuable jewels which had been her mother's. Donald Bean, who had served in France, knew, and perhaps over-estimated, the value of these trinkets.

I've always thought it was funny he never found any gold in this flat, long as he lived here. And traces of washing here and there, too. Well!" "Looky, Boy!" Bud had the top off a can, and took out a couple of nuggets the size of a cooked Lima bean. "Here's the real stuff for yuh. "It's yours, too unless did old Nelson leave any folks, Cash, do yuh know?" "They say not.

It is prepared instantly by pouring boiling water upon it, thus forming a light beverage with all the strength and flesh-forming constituents of the decorticated bean. Chemical analysis of cacao-nibs and cocoa essence shows them to contain on an average: Cacao-nibs. Cocoa Essence. Cocoa-butter 50 parts. 30 parts.

That bean arbor is a favoryte place for him to escape to, 'cause it's too high to reach, an' it ain't strong enough to bear no grown-up person's weight.

There being a hundred of Marshall's men, one hundred beans ninety white and ten black were put in a hat. Then the company was mustered as on dress parade. Whoso drew a white bean was to be held prisoner of war; whoso drew a black bean was to die. In the early part of the drawing Wake drew a white bean.

Without more ado, he told them of his amazing fall down the beanstalk; of his adventures on Silver Island; of his sons and grandsons and the Gheewizard's elixir which would turn him from a lively Scarecrow into an old, old Emperor. All that I have told you, he told Dorothy, up to the very point where his eldest son had bound him to the bean pole and tied up poor, faithful Happy Toko.

His eyes fell upon the little tree. He felt the earth in the pot it was quite dry. Yet the tree itself was fresh and green. "Here goes for a brown bean," he continued, and plucked one. Even then, while he held it in his fingers, he hesitated. "Don't suppose it will do me any harm," he muttered, doubtfully. There was naturally no reply. Mr. Alfred Burton laughed uneasily to himself.

Down the green lane between the bean poles they hurried through the picket gate, pushing aside the big gray Duncannon cat who basked in the sun under a pink hollyhock with a Duncannon smile on its gray whiskers like the rest of the family. "Jane! Jane Duncannon!" called Christie McMertrie.

The leader of each side toes a starting line across the ground at a distance from the circle. Bean bags or stones are thrown into the center of this, each one having a turn. The side getting the biggest score is the winning one. Skipping the rope is an admirable exercise for girls and boys. There should be a spring in doing this.