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My neighbour was Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Arbuthnot, commanding the First Cruiser Squadron, who went down with his flagship H.M.S. Defence, in the Battle of Jutland, on the 31st of May last, while passing between the British and German fleets, under a very heavy fire.

One of the first of the letters from which we shall quote was written by Washington from his headquarters to Admiral Arbuthnot, then stationed at New York, on the 25th of January 1781.

To tell you the truth, Arbuthnot, there are moments when I am not sure whether I entirely understand the Lady Yva. It was rather like proposing to one's guardian angel." "Yes," I said, "that's about it, old fellow. 'Guardian Angel' is not a bad name for her." Afterwards I received the confidence of Bickley. "Look here, Arbuthnot," he said. "I want to own up to something.

I did as he requested; and the instant I placed the liqueur-frame before him, he seized the brandy carafe, and drank with fierce eagerness. 'For goodness' sake, I exclaimed, 'consider what you are about, Mr Arbuthnot: you will make yourself ill. 'No, no, he answered, after finishing his draught, 'It seems scarcely stronger than water. But I I am better now.

"I hope nothing has happened?" she asked anxiously. Mrs. Wilkins looked at her a moment, and laughed. "How funny," she said, kissing her. "What is funny?" asked Mrs. Arbuthnot, her face clearing because Mrs. Wilkins laughed. "We are. This is. Everything. It's all so wonderful. It's so funny and so adorable that we should be in it.

Nor is it only here that the author gives us new light. He enables us to judge fairly of the sad story of Arbuthnot and Ambrister, and throws a great deal of light on many points of our political history which much needed honest illumination. The book is of especial interest at the present time, as it contains the best narrative we have ever seen of the Nullification troubles of 1832. Mr.

Why couldn't two unhappy people refresh each other on their way through this dusty business of life by a little talk real, natural talk, about what they felt, what they would have liked, what they still tried to hope? And she could not help thinking that Mrs. Arbuthnot, too, was reading that very same advertisement. Her eyes were on the very part of the paper.

I daresay when we finally reach heaven the one they talk about so much we shan't find it a bit more beautiful." Mrs. Arbuthnot relaxed to smiling security again. "Isn't it divine?" she said? "Were you ever, ever in your life so happy?" asked Mrs. Wilkins, catching her by the arm. "No," said Mrs. Arbuthnot. Nor had she been; not ever; not even in her first love-days with Frederick.

Mr Arbuthnot had not left his wife for an hour, and consequently had only seen his child for a few minutes just after it was born. 'With respect to the child, replied Dr Lindley, 'I am of opinion that Mrs Arbuthnot may see it in a day or two. Say the third day from this, if all goes well.

You remember when Mrs. Arbuthnot and " "Ah, don't!" cried Algitha, flushing. "Nothing ought to induce a woman to endure that." "H'm I suspect the world that we know nothing about, Algitha, has ways and means of applying the pressure such as you and I scarcely dream of." Hadria spoke with half-closed eyes that seemed to see deep and far.