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Anne spent a fortnight at Echo Lodge early in her vacation and everybody concerned had a good time. She took Miss Lavendar on a shopping expedition to town and persuaded her to buy a new organdy dress; then came the excitement of cutting and making it together, while the happy Charlotta the Fourth basted and swept up clippings.

Even the inoffensive Ellenora had accepted that idea, or another kin to it, and Rhoda Holland had remembered that her uncle was the richest of bridegrooms in Princess Anne. Vesta felt the injustice, but said to herself: "I must make the sacrifice complete, and incur any harsh judgment it may bear.

"I cannot possibly do without Anne," was Mary's reasoning; and Elizabeth's reply was, "Then I am sure Anne had better stay, for nobody will want her in Bath."

"Come on, girls," they heard her call to the others, "let's waste no more time on them." When all was quiet the seven intriguers slipped down the fire escape and disappeared in the darkness safely escaping discovery. "Anne," called a chorus of boys' and girls' voices, "come out and have some fun. Have you forgotten it's Hallowe'en?"

Up to the reign of Queen Anne this vast open tract of downland formed a happy hunting ground for the inhabitants of all the surrounding counties.

As he went Miss Row was rapidly approaching the spot where the children stood. She looked with curious, suspicious eyes after Anne, and then at the children. "Who is your friend?" she asked with frank curiosity.. "That is Anne Roth, Mademoiselle Leperier's man," said Esther, not without a touch of importance in tone and manner. "Mademoiselle Leperier is a friend of mine," she added.

Emma Dean poised her cup in the air, and, with a far-away look in her eyes, listened intently to the solemn bell note of a hermit thrush. "What is on your mind to-day, Emma Dean?" laughed Anne Nesbit. "Is it possible that you are in love or something?" "I am listening to the voices of nature," replied Emma solemnly, shaking her head slowly and taking a sip of tea.

The bit of stuff dangling from Cassavetti's pass-key; the hieroglyphic on the portrait, the flower Anne had given to Cassavetti, and to which he seemed to attach so much significance. All red geraniums. What did they mean?

He was unworthy any woman's love and I was too lowly for him to cast a glance on; but I was a woman, and God made us so." Clorinda clutched her pallid hand. "Dear God," she cried, "you loved him!" Anne moved upon her pillow, drawing weakly, slowly near until her white lips were close upon her sister's ear. "The night," she panted "the night you bore him in your arms "

Chiffinch answered, cautiously, that he believed there were some gambols going forward, at which the King desired the Duke's presence. This did not quite satisfy Buckingham, for, conscious of his own rash purpose, he could not but apprehend discovery. After a moment's silence, "Chiffinch," he said abruptly, "did you mention to any one what the King said to me this morning touching the Lady Anne?"