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Albert came into 97 in a few moments to say that the Englishmen were going to the hotel as soon as dressed, the captain having elected to stay by his brother. "I wouldn't have believed it of Ralles. I feel jolly cut up, you know," he drawled.

There is a small hamlet some few miles from Bath and 97 from London which is 106 miles away from Bath bearing the name of "Pickwick." The Bath coach, by the way, started from the White Horse Cellars, Piccadilly, at half-past seven in the morning, and took just twelve hours for the journey. Now it is made by the Great Western in two!

The Vincennes prowled along the edge of the Antarctic Continent as far as 97 degrees east, when Lieutenant Wilkes headed northward and arrived at Sydney in March, 1840, and found the Peacock at anchor. The Porpoise reached 100 degrees east and 64 degrees 65 minutes south when she turned her prow away from the inhospitable solitude and in March arrived at Auckland Isle.

'The least I can do is to mark it for you in case you change your mind. There's no great demand for it in the Fleet, she says, 'but to make sure I'll put it at the back o' the shelf, an' she snipped off a piece of her hair ribbon with that old dolphin cigar cutter on the bar remember it, Pye? an' she tied a bow round what was left just four bottles. That was '97 no, '96.

The last of the New Testament books does not belong chronologically at the end of the collection. There was a tradition, to which Irenaeus gives currency, that it was written during the reign of Domitian, about 97 or 98 A. D. But this tradition is now almost universally discredited.

At 30 miles an hour the speed of the pistons will be 457.8 feet per minute, and 7018.4 lbs. multiplied by 457.8 ft. per minute, are equal to 3213023.5 lbs. raised one foot high in the minute, which, divided by 33,000, gives 97.3 horses power as the power which would draw 110 tons upon a railway at a speed of 30 miles an hour, if there were no atmospheric resistance.

VIII. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 90, p. 589; vol. 97, p. 433; vol. 109, p. 111. International Journal of Ethics, vol. 23, p. 1. On the moral censorship of art: Plato, Republic, books. I, III, X. Aristotle, Poetics. Ruskin, Lectures on Art. Tolstoy, What is Art? G. Santayana, Reason in Art, chaps. IX, XI. R. B. Perry, Moral Economy, chap. V. H. R. Haweis, Music and Morals.

A quite beautiful tea equipage awaited them on a small table, but Lady Etynge was not in the room. "What a beautiful house to live in," said Robin, "but, do you know, the number ISN'T 97 A. I looked as we came in, and it is No. 25." "Is it? I ought to have been more careful," answered Fraulein Hirsch. "It is wrong to be careless even in small matters."

And the Alumni Movement has arisen to meet the need for "greater unity of organization in alumni bodies." In an article on Graduate Councils, in the Wellesley College News for April, 1914, Florence S. Marcy Crofut, Wellesley, '97, has collected interesting evidence of the impetus and expansion of this new factor in the college world.

There remains 4 steamships, each of over 10,000 gross tons; 5 of between 5,000 and 6,000 gross tons; 2 of between 4,000 and 5,000 tons; 18 between 3000 and 4000 tons; 35 between 2000 and 3000 tons, and 33 between 1000 and 2000 tons; in all 97 steamships over 1000 tons, aggregating 260,325 gross tons." Most of these are engaged in coastwise trade.