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176. =Scotch Crowdie.= Boil one pound of oatmeal one hour in four quarts of any kind of pot-liquor, stirring often enough to prevent burning; season with one tablespoonful of salt, a level saltspoonful of pepper, one ounce of butter, and serve with plenty of bread.

From profits on coinage, bullion deposits, and assays 4,116,693.73 From Indian trust funds 5,705,243.22 From deposits by individuals for surveying public lands 2,052,306.36 From revenues of the District of Columbia 1,715,176.41 From miscellaneous sources 3,383,445.43 Total ordinary receipts 403,525,250.28 The ordinary expenditures for the same period were

He knew all 176 of them like members of his own family which they were, in a sense. There was nothing mysterious about anyone, nothing new. And that was what Steve had wanted: something new. So he had jumped ship. Well, Alan thought, development of a hyperdrive would change the whole setup, if if He hardly found the quarantine to his liking either.

These variations while preserving a similar sound are suspicious. Grimm, "Tales," vol. i. pp. 163, 388; Schleicher, p. 91; Fleury, p. 60; Thorpe, vol. ii. p. 176; quoting Asbjörnsen, "Huldreeventyr," vol. ii. p. 165. Cf. Sébillot, "Contes Pop." vol. ii. p. 78. Sikes, pp. 58, 59; Howells, p. 138; "Y Cymmrodor," vol. iv. p. 208, vol. vi. pp. 172, 204; Keightley, p. 436.

Ordway to exchange with the Feildses and take their small canoe to hunt to-day. at 1/2 after eleven O'Ck. passed the entrance of big dry river; found the water in this river about 60 yds. wide tho shallow. it runs with a boald even currant. at 3 P.M. we arrived at the entrance of Milk river where we halted a few minutes. this stream is full at present and it's water is much the colour of that of the Missouri; it affords as much water at present as Maria's river and I have no doubt extends itself to a considerable distance North. during our halt we killed a very large rattlesnake of the speceis common to our country. it had 176 scuta on the abdomen and 25 on the tail, it's length 5 feet. the scutae on the tail fully formed. after passing this river we saw several large herds of buffaloe and Elk we killed one of each of these animals and took as much of the flesh as we wished. we encamped this evening two miles below the gulph on the N. E. side of the river.

I must express my acknowledgments to the President and Council of the Royal Academy for their kindness in allowing me to copy the above letters from the originals that are in their possession. Anecdotes of Johnson, p. 176. BOSWELL. 'It is, he said, 'so very difficult for a sick man not to be a scoundrel. Ib. p. 175. 'He used to say a man was a scoundrel that was afraid of anything.

Lay up the frigates and defend our coast and harbors by a number of small, swift-sailing craft, each carrying one gun in the stern. In time of peace they were to be hauled up under sheds. In time of war they were to be shoved into the water and manned by volunteers. Between 1806 and 1812, 176 of these gunboats were built.

This showed that among the selected specimens not less than 176, or more than 1% belonged to the oblonga type. This type was at that time quite new to me, and it had to be kept through the winter, to obtain stems and flowers. It proved to be as uniform as its three predecessors, and especially as sharply contrasted with lamarckiana.

Further particulars respecting the quality of the bottom off this part of the coast will be found in the first volume. A South-East 1/2 East course 176 miles, from the same position, will take a ship to Port Dalrymple.

p. 176 Dumfounding. A rude and rough form of practical joking. The players 'dumfounded' each other with sudden blows stealthily dealt. cf. Dryden, prologue to The Prophetess , speaks of the gallants in the theatre indulging freely in That witty recreation, called dumfounding. p. 176 stum'd Wine.