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But I know you can't do anything-without a paper. Otherwise any bright young-man might walk into my house and tell me he meant to search it. Keeble, I'm really surprised at you." Inspector Keeble blushed. "I'm very sorry, miss," said he contritely. "But the law's the law. Show the lady your search-warrant, Mr. Hurley." His voice resembled himself. Mr. Hurley coughed.

Ascyltos was making answer to his railing; when Trimalchio, pleased with that good grace of speaking, "Go to," said he, "no more of this wild talk, let us rather be pleasant: And you Hermeros, bear with the young-man, his blood boils; be thou the soberer man; he that is overcome in this matter, goes off conqueror: Even thy self, when thou wert such another capon, hadst nothing but coco, coco, and no heart at all.

That part of her grieved sorely, and spent itself in small comforting actions and little caressing touches on bowed heads and grief-stooped shoulders. It put away Jim's clothing, and kept immaculate the room where now her mother spent most of her waking hours. It sent her on her knees at night to pray for Jim's happiness in some young-man heaven which would please him.

Three or four of Francie's lovers now appeared, one after the other; she had made each promise to come early. They were all clean-shaven and sprightly, with that peculiar kind of young-man sprightliness which had recently invaded Kensington; they did not seem to mind each other's presence in the least, and wore their ties bunching out at the ends, white waistcoats, and socks with clocks.

"The Unlucky-one stood before the black hole in the rocks for a long time, because he was afraid; but when he turned to speak to the Coyote he found himself to be alone. The Coyote had gone about his own business had silently slipped away in the night. "Slowly and carefully the young-man began to creep into the cave, feeling his way in the darkness. His heart was beating like a tom-tom at a dance.

Soon the Coyote came back with meat, and young-man built a fire and ate some of it, even before it was warm, for he was starving. When he had finished the Coyote said: "'Now I shall take you to OLD-man's lodge, come. "They started, even though it was getting dark.

"'Because, replied the young-man, 'I am the Unlucky-one. Everything goes wrong with me, always. I don't want to live any longer, for my heart is growing wicked. "'Come with me, said the old woman, and he followed her until she told him to sit down. Then she said: 'Listen to me.

First you must learn a song to sing, and this is it. Then she sang a queer song over and over again until the young-man had learned it well. "'Now do what I tell you, and your heart shall be glad some day. She drew from her robe a pair of moccasins and a small sack of dried meat. 'Here, she said, 'put these moccasins on your feet and take this sack of meat for food, for you must travel far.

Ascyltos perceiving the chat was at an end, "Am not I worthy," said he, "to get a sup?" And Psyche fearing my laughter might discover her, clapped her hands, and told him, "Young-man I made you an offer of it, but your friend here has drunk it all out." "Is it so," quoth Quartilla, smiling very agreeably, "and has Ercolpius gugg'd it all down?"

He seized the rifle eagerly, drew three steps backward, and drawing himself up to his full height, said, "You would have done better to lend me this weapon at the beginning; for then I would have been spared from witnessing your silly vapourings and frantic convulsions. Thanks, young-man; one of my servants will bring you back your gun. Farewell."