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Updated: August 10, 2024

Then Bradley stood up in his splendid height and breadth. "I say it's the truth; and if there are any more rowdies who want 'o try yankin' me out o' this wagon, now's your time. You never'll have a better chance." Nobody seemed anxious. The cheers of the crowd and the young orator's determined attitude discouraged them. "Now I'll tell yeh who the man was who presented that order.

Toledo, yankin' the yearlin' off his hoofs and settin' him down again. For a fact, she thunk I was alludin' to her. "'Of course not, madam, says I, polite, and liftin' me lid. 'And I judge somebody's in luck at that. "I guess it was her not used to bein' spoke and acted polite to that got her goat. Mebby she smelt somethin' sarcastic. I dunno. Anyhow, she was a longhorn with a bad eye.

"Why, he 's so durn wore out a yankin' things 'round thet he 's bin plum asleep all ther way out yere. Say, Cap, be it true thet a muel will wake up an' git a move on itself if ye blow in his ear?" "Who told you that?" "The feller down et ther quartermaster's corral. He said as how thet wus ther way ther niggers got 'em ter go 'long whin they got tew durn lazy.

The first news Missis Rucker has of the raid is when Bowlaigs gets a half-hitch on the tablecloth an' winds up his play by yankin' the entire outfit of spoons, tin plates an' crockery off onto the floor. It's then Missis Rucker sallies from the kitchen an' puts Bowlaigs to flight. "Bowlaigs, who's plumb scared, comes lumberin' over to the Red Light an' puts himse'f onder our protection.

Th' Ramblin' Kid run once more, yankin' like blazes to get the slack! That time when he went down well, before we realized it, th' Ramblin' Kid had him bridled and saddled and was safe on deck " "I'm tellin' you too, Captain Jack went higher than a kite when he felt the rowels in his flanks!" Charley interrupted. "Th' Ramblin' Kid yelled for us to let him out," Bert continued.

From violent agitation, Martine unconsciously shook the figure outlined in the blanket roughly, as he asked, "What's your name?" "Yankee Blank, doggone yer! Kyant you wake a feller 'thout yankin' 'im out o' baid? What yer want?" "Great God!" muttered Hobart, tottering back to his seat beside his sleeping cousin, "was there ever such a horrible, mocking suggestion of one man in another?

But you snatched him bald-headed." "Makes me feel sick," Bradley said. "I ain't had but one squabble before since I was a boy. It makes me feel like a plug-ugly." Milton was delighted with it all. It made such a capital story to tell! "Say Brad, do you know what I thought of when you was yankin' that feller over the wheel? Scaldin' hogs!

Sanderson's grin grew grim. "It's a frame-up," he told himself. His grin grew saturnine. He got up, folded the withdrawal blank and stuck it in a pocket. "I'm leavin' the money here tonight," he said. "For a man that ain't been to town in a long while, there'd be too many temptations yankin' at me." He went out, leaving Maison to watch him from a window, a flush of chagrin on his face.

When the morning came, Ebenezer Capen was awakened by a shake to find John Ellery standing over him. "Capen," whispered the minister, "Capen, get up. I must talk with you." Ebenezer was indignant. "Judas priest!" he exclaimed; "why don't you scare a feller to death, comin' and yankin' him out of bed by the back hair?" Then, being more wide awake, he added: "What's the row? Worse, is he? He ain't "

Did you come up by train or steamer?" "Schooner," says Valentina. "You know all that cypress you saw 'em yankin' out of the swamp back of the Point? Well, suh, it's lumber now, every stick. Sold, too. That's what me and pop came up for." "You don't say!" says Warrie. "How much?" "Near nine thousand," says she. "Whe-e-e-ew!" says Warrie. "Now I suppose you'll be moving into Tampa."

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