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"I yust go over," said he, squirming, "to help Surajah fix up his machines his inwentions. Sometimes I take over de wyolin to play for Rowena. Dat bane all, Yake." When we went home, I with money enough for some new clothes, with what I had by me, we caught a ride with one of Judge Stone's teams to a point two-thirds of the way to Monterey Centre, and came into our own places from the south.

"There," said the Wee Chick, "that spoils the story. I don't want it to be a dream. What made 'em yake him up so twick?" "Was he better afterward?" said Fairy. "Yes, for the very next day he moved to the same playhouse with the rest of the children, and whenever he was selfish he would look around to see if the old Garuly was looking at him out of one eye."

"Dat bane for Christina," said Magnus one time, when she was showing my castor and a nice white china dinner set, to Kittie Fleming or Dose Roebuck, both of whom were among her samples of girls shown me. "An' dat patent churn dat bane for Christina, too, eh, Yake?" "Christina who?" asked Grandma Thorndyke sharply. "Christina Quale," said Magnus, "my cousin in Norvay."

And now dat ve got ralroad, dere bane t'ousan's an' t'ousan's people in Norvay, and Denmark, and Sveden and Yermany come here to Iovay, an' you an' your vife an' shildern bane big bugs. Yust vait, Yake. Maybe you see your sons in county offices an' your girls married vit bankers, an' your vife vare new calico dress every day. Yust vait, Yake.

"Yes," said Magnus gravely, "dat beat me, Yake." He bowed his head in thought for a while, and then looked up. "Ay can't go to her, Yake. Ay can't go to her. But you go, Yake; you go. An' you tal her dat Magnus Thorkelson Norsky Thorkelson bane ready to do what he can for her. All he can do. Tal her Magnus ready to live or die for her. You tal her dat, Yake!"

"You hare, Yake?" he said, in his quiet and unmoved way. "I'm glad. Your house bane burn up in fire?" I told him the startling news, and as the story of poor Rowena slowly made its way into his mind, I was startled and astonished at its effect on him; for he has always been to me a man who would be calm in a tornado, and who would meet shipwreck or earthquake without a tremor.

"Pearl-fishing is the chief employment of the inhabitants about the bay, and the pearls are said to be of superior quality. I was shown a necklace, valued at two thousand dollars, taken in this water. They are all found by diving. The Yake Indians are the best divers, going down in eight-fathom water.

Rich fallar bane t'inking poor girl notting but like fresh fruit for him to eat; a cup of vine for him to drink; an' he drink it! He eat de fruit. But dis bane different country. Ay keel dis damned Gowdy! You hare, Yake? Ay keel him!" Of course I told him that this would never do, and talked the way we all do when it is our duty to keep a friend from ruining himself.

Magnus looked very solemn, and said that he had seen none of the family since we had finished our work for Gowdy a year ago. "What said the old man, Yake?" he asked anxiously. "He said he was going to will his property away from her!" I replied, laughing heartily at the idea: but Magnus did not laugh. "He said that she ain't no longer a member of his family, Magnus. Don't that beat you!"