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O what an easie thing is to descry The gentle blood, however it be wrapt In sade misfortunes foule deformity And wretched sorrowes which have often hapt! For, howsoever it may grow mis-shapt Like this wyld man being undisciplyned That to all virtue it may seeme unapt, Yet it will show some sparkles of gentle mynd And at the last breake forth in his owne proper kynd. Faerie Queene B. vi.

The woman left the room, murmuring a little, but never thinking to disobey her young mistress, so sudden, so constraining, was the dignity which had come upon the girl. Even Mr. Wyld felt it, and his manner changed from condolence to respect. "What can I do, Miss Rothesay? You turn from me. No wonder, when I have had the misfortune to be the bearer of such evil tidings." "Hush!" she said.

Wyld would have taught me landscape-painting if I had asked him, and I did at a later period study water-color with him; but his practice in oil did not suit me, for this reason: it was entirely tentative, he was constantly demolishing his work, so that it was hard to see how a pupil could possibly follow him.

"I suppose you mean in America. No more slang than you can help, please. It's admirably expressive sometimes, I allow: but not being used to it in my youth I have some difficulty in following. Well, about Tom Wyld one of the old judge's sons or grandsons, I suppose." Dick's complexion heightened a little. "Oh, not any one you ever heard of a fellow I picked up out there."

Why, what else would it be? so long as there is a Mrs. what do you call her? living living and undivorced, the union of that woman's husband with another woman could be nothing but a fictitious marriage. There is a still uglier word by which it could be called." "You forget," said Dick, "that Mrs. Wyld neither bears that name nor lays any claim to it.

There seemed lifted against him at once the hand of Heaven and of man. His proud nature could not withstand the shock; shame smote him, and he died. "Tell me only one thing!" cried Olive to Mr..Wyld, with whom, after the funeral, she was holding conference she only for her mother was incapable of acting, and this girl of sixteen was the sole ruler of the household now.

As an extreme proof of this latter fact, the student is asked to remember the fact that men have been known to suffer excruciating torture, apparently without feeling, owing to the mind being intently riveted upon some idea or thought. As Wyld has said, "The martyr borne above sensuous impressions, is not only able to endure tortures, but is able to endure and quench them.

There is likewise a superb general view of Venice, by Wyld; a fine exterior view of Rheims Cathedral, by Buckley; an exterior view of St Peter's at Caën, by Charles Vacher; and the interior of St Germain des Prés at Paris, by Duval."

One of his acts of kindness, in 1855, was to take me to see his old friend William Wyld, the painter, with whom I soon became acquainted, and who is still one of my best and most attached friends. Wyld lived and worked at that time in the same studio, in the Rue Blanche, where he is still living and working in this present year , an octogenarian with the health and faculties of a man of fifty.

The Empire outlasted the lifetime of M. Gindriez, but it did not establish itself permanently. In London I had liked to be with Mackay, Robinson the engraver, and Leslie, all gray-headed men, and in Paris I soon acquired a strong liking for M. Ouvrard, M. Gindriez, and Mr. Wyld.