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So she played a lively measure and sang these couplets, "I walk, for fear of interview, the weakling's walk * Who sees two lion whelps the fount draw nigh: My cloak acts sword, my heart's perplex'd with fright, * Lest jealous hostile eyes th' approach descry: Till sudden hapt I on a delicate maid * Like desert-doe that fails her fawns to espy."

With that he called to Dalfin, who was sitting up sleepily, being as worn out as myself, and they two hapt me in the sail, and made me drink of the wine which I would not have done at all, if I had rightly known what I was about, considering whence it came and presently I came to myself and thanked them, feeling foolish.

O what an easie thing is to descry The gentle blood, however it be wrapt In sade misfortunes foule deformity And wretched sorrowes which have often hapt! For, howsoever it may grow mis-shapt Like this wyld man being undisciplyned That to all virtue it may seeme unapt, Yet it will show some sparkles of gentle mynd And at the last breake forth in his owne proper kynd. Faerie Queene B. vi.

This was the end of his time-serving and king-making. And he said many prayers, and beat his breast; and then called to his chaplain for blankets, for he was very cold. "I have slain my own sheep!" he moaned, "slain my own sheep!" His chaplain hapt him up in bed, and looked out of the window at the fight. There was no lull, neither was there any great advantage on either side.

It was his only chance of life, to be merry and desperate. "Well!" said Hereward, ere they hapt themselves up for the night. "We owe you thanks, Abbot Thorold, for an evening worthy of a king's court, rather than a holly-bush." "I have won him over," thought the Abbot.