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We will be bound that a merrier party never left a churchyard, even after a funeral, nor a merrier set ever sat down to a festal board, than that which gathered to greet the hospitality of Israel Wurm. In the course of the evening, an old Scotch gardener gave it as his opinion that the "miser was fey."

In both the domestic thunderer expresses himself in rough, strong language, and is only made the more furious by his wife's efforts to allay his fears. In Wagner's next scene Magister Humbrecht comes to woo Evchen, just as Schiller's Wurm comes to woo Louise, and we hear that the girl's head has been turned by reading novels.

There was also the Baroness a little lady with small patrician features, faded light hair and a brisk manner; and last, but by no means least, Frau Wurm, who daily arrived to fulfil a promise to Herr Krauss, and every morning, for one solid hour, imparted to Sophy instruction in the management of native servants, the reckoning of bazaar accounts, the coinage rupees and pice and the proper way to keep house linen and stores.

My work is so confining that if I didn't get to the country once in a while, I would play out in a jiffy. I'm a nervous frazzle a nervous frazzle by Saturday noon. But I lie on the grass all Sunday, and if nobody snaps at me and I am let alone, by Monday morning I am fit again." "You must be like Antæus." This remark came from Wurm, our host.

The country is good enough to read about I like it in books but I choose to sit meantime with my feet on a city fender." Here Wurm broke in again. "I see, Flint," he said, "that you have been reading Leslie Stephen." Flint denied it. "Well, anyway, you have quoted him. Flint made a grimace. "Wurm always has a favorite passage." Wurm went to a shelf and took down a volume.

Poyser give a bit of her mind to the squire; to be lulled into a placid doze by the humming of Dorlecote Mill; to sit down in Dandie Dinmont's parlour ... or to drop into the kitchen of a good old country inn, and to smoke a pipe with Tom Jones or listen to the simple-minded philosophy of Parson Adams." "You hit on a good one then," said Flint. "And now as I was saying " Wurm interposed.

Wurm is a bookish fellow who wears great rimmed glasses. He spends much of his time in company thinking up apposite quotations and verifying them. He has worn out two Bartlett's. Wurm is also addicted to maps and dictionaries, and is a great reader of special articles.

There's an old hymn Mother's dredful fond of, I don't remember how it goes now, but there's one line she keeps repeatin' over an' over till I feel ready to jump. It's this, 'What dyin' wurms we be. So, when she begun her wurm song that mornin' I just let fly. 'Ef I am a wurm, sez I, 'I ain't goin' ter be allers lookin' to see myself squirm! and with that I up and out of the house.

Old Flannel Shirt is blinded by his spleen against society. As for Wurm, he doesn't count. He's only a harmless bit of mummy-wrapping." "And what are you, Flint?" asked Quill. "Me? A rational man, I hope." "You you are an egotist. That's what you are." "Very well," said Flint. "It's just as you say." There was a red flash from the top of the Metropolitan Tower. Flint looked at his watch.

Sometimes as Sophy sat in the darkened room her mind was burdened with vague anxieties; she recalled the looks and questions of Frau Wurm; could it be altogether neuralgia that brought her aunt to such a pass? And if not, what? A casual eye might suppose that the invalid was under the influence of drink, but this was not the case. Mrs.