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He's manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's." " What that?" said Carrie. " The finest resort in town. It's a way-up, smell place." Carrie puzzled a moment. She was wondering what Drouet had told him, what her attitude would be. " That's all right," said Drouet, feeling her thought. " He doesn't know anything. You're Mrs. Drouet now."

He's manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's." "What's that?" said Carrie. "The finest resort in town. It's a way-up, swell place." Carrie puzzled a moment. She was wondering what Drouet had told him, what her attitude would be. "That's all right," said Drouet, feeling her thought. "He doesn't know anything. You're Mrs. Drouet now."

Lansing, a nephew of the State Superintendent of schools and a professor at the Millersville Normal School." "Well, now just look!" Mrs. Getz exclaimed wonderingly. "Such a tony party! The State Superintendent's nephew! That's even a more way-up person than what the county superintendent is! Ain't? Well, who'd 'a' thought!" "Miss Margaret!"

He explained to his comrades, with all the vanity of a man whose inspiration has met with public approval, that in forming such a combine as theirs, it would be necessary to allot certain work, which he called "departments," to certain individuals. He assured his fellow-members that such was always done in "way-up concerns." It saved confusion, and ensured the work being adequately performed.

"'Tain't as if you wuz some pore down-an'-out devil tryin' to beat the cops out of doin' his bit in stir. You're the way-up, high-an'-mighty kind of crook. An' from wot I've read an' heard about you, you never toted fair with nobody yet. There wuz that young feller, wot's his name? the cashier him that wuz tried with you.

But most of all I like looking up at that vast second story of the street, coming in over one like waves, like seas all these happy, curious tops of 'buses; these dear, funny, way-up people on benches; these world-worshippers, sight-worshippers, and Americans all these little scurrying congregations, hundreds of them, rolling past.

Marcia, meanwhile, had borne the noise as long as she could; so Biddy was dispatched to ask the singer if he would not please to do his practising at some other time. "Practising, indeed!" exclaimed Number Two, indignantly, upon receiving the message. "There are people who think I can sing. These women, likely, a'n't cultivated enough to appreciate the 'way-up music.

Jack got us boys pardners for every dance. He proved himself clean strain that night, the whitest little Injun on the reservation. We knocked off dancing about midnight and had supper, good coffee with no end of way-up fine chuck. We ate as we danced, heartily. Supper over, the dance went on full blast.

He's a dam poor groom, says my captain, 'but he's a way-up barrister when he's at home. He's been running around the camp with his tongue out, waiting for the chance of defending you at the court-martial. "'What court-martial? I says. "'On you as a deserter from the Artillery. You'd have had a good run for your money. Anyway, you'd never have been hung after the way you worked your gun.

Panel's thin voice as she whispered dole-fully to me: "Jaspar is crazy, after all." "No, he isn't," I whispered back. Jaspar continued in a mild voice: "What does a way-up outfit o' lady's clothes cost: sealskin sacques, satins, the best of everything outside and in?" "I don't know." "You've got to figger it out quick!" "Say ten thousand, more or less."