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Fierce Malcolm watch'd the passing scene, And search'd them through with glances keen; Then dash'd a tear-drop from his eye; Unhid it came he knew not why. Exulting high, he towering stood: "Kinsmen," he cried, "of Alpin's blood, And worthy of Clan Alpin's name, Unstain'd by cowardice and shame, E'en do, spare nocht, in time of ill Shall be Clan Alpin's legend still!" No.

His father was dead, and his mother living in some part of East Tennessee; all the men were from that part of the country. The next forenoon I saw the Tennessee and Indiana regiments marching down the Avenue. My boy was with the former, stepping along with the rest. There were many other boys no older. I stood and watch'd them as they tramp'd along with slow, strong, heavy, regular steps.

A foreigner, an acute and good man, had impressively said to me, that day putting in form, indeed, my own observations: "I have travel'd much in the United States, and watch'd their politicians, and listen'd to the speeches of the candidates, and read the journals, and gone into the public houses, and heard the unguarded talk of men.

I should first like to give a very fair and characteristic likeness of Lincoln, as I saw him and watch'd him one afternoon in Washington, for nearly half an hour, not long before his death.

'Twas at the landing-place that's just below Mount Wyse, Poll lean'd against the sentry's box, a tear in both her eyes; Her apron twisted round her arms, all for to keep them warm, Being a windy Christmas-day, and also a snow-storm. And Bet and Sue Both stood there too, A shivering by her side, They both were dumb, And both look'd glum, As they watch'd the ebbing tide.

On th'other side the Prince with dying looks Each motion watch'd of fair Erminia's eyes, Which she return'd as greedily again, And if one glance t' Alcippus she directed, He'd stare as if he meant to cut his throat for't. Well, Friend, thou hast a sure defence of me, My Love is yet below my Amity.

The disinterested Fondness of this Favourite, who only loved the Lover in the King, must have made her the happiest that ever was, if relying less on her Merit, or warned by a recent Experience, she had guarded against some of her own Sex, whom she must think envied her Elevation, and watch'd her Ruin; but as an illusory Conceit that a Passion which had subsisted for many Years, would never be extinguished, brought her into the very Misfortune from which Leutinemil's Death had delivered her.

Yes, it is he whose eyes look'd on thy childhood, And watch'd with trembling hope thy dawn of youth, That now, with these same eyeballs dimm'd with age, And dimmer yet with tears, sees thy dishonour.

It hapned to be set up against the Wall, and by that means was Visible from the outside, and had been seen by them in the evening, as a man had been seen lurking about the Fort some Hours before the thing was Missed. I was informed by some others of the Natives that he watch'd an opportunity when the Centinel's back was turned, he hooked it with a long crooked stick, and haled it over the Wall.

I stood unobserv'd in the darkness and watch'd them long. The mud was very deep. The men had their usual burdens, overcoats, knapsacks, guns and blankets. Along and along they filed by me, with often a laugh, a song, a cheerful word, but never once a murmur. It may have been odd, but I never before so realized the majesty and reality of the American people en masse.