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"It was some plan," he admitted, "and it surely fooled us. That's one we owe you, Tim." Tim laughed. The story was over at last, and the position of the sun warned the troop that it was time to start for home. At Mr. Wall's orders a coat stretcher was made and Don was lifted in. Just before the start he thought of something. "What became of the Eagles?" he demanded. "Shucks!" said Larkins.

"Gentles, perchance you wonder at this show; But wonder on, till truth makes all things plain. This man is Pyramus, if you would know; This lovely lady Thisby is certain. This man with lime and roughcast, doth present Wall, that vile Wall, which did these lovers sunder; And through Wall's chink, poor souls, they are content To whisper. At the which let no man wonder.

The Prussians lay down on the floor, with their feet to the fire and their heads resting on their rolled-up cloaks. Soon all six snored loudly and uninterruptedly in six different keys. They had been sleeping for some time when a shot rang out so loudly that it seemed directed against the very wall's of the house. The soldiers rose hastily. Two-then three-more shots were fired.

Another half-dozen waited in the path for his orders; he halted, and told them curtly to march upstairs and man the attic windows, whence across the wall's coping their fire would sweep the approach from the fields; and so walked on and up to the gate, on which the Sheriff was now hammering impatiently. "Who's there?" he demanded. "Are you Roger Stephen?" answered the Sheriff's voice.

But soon the road grew white, and the walls likewise; and at the wall's foot grew long grass and gay flowers, all drenched with dew; and instead of the groaning of the pit-engine, they heard the skylark saying his matins high up in the air, and the pit-bird warbling in the sedges, as he had warbled all night long. All else was silent. For old Mrs.

But the breathless anxiety that ran through him now was something new. He ached to get in and do something for his patrol. Splints came next. This time Don and Ritter represented the Wolves. Mr. Wall's first order was for a broken thigh. The watching scouts were silent. All three teams worked rapidly. There was a hush as the Scoutmaster examined the patients.

Turn and turn about we held the top of the runway while the others feasted their eyes upon the sight of our valiant countrymen battling far beneath us. Now they have rushed the palace gate! Great battering-rams are dashed against its formidable surface. Now they are repulsed by a deadly shower of javelins from the wall's top!

Yet, for all of his roughness, a finer streak of his nature could, on occasion, respond to fair dealing. Squareness being white was something he could understand. Don had been white. He found himself wishing, as he walked along, that he had never started the hike. He had seen Mr. Wall's eyes travel in his direction as though picking him out as the ringleader in whatever mischief had been afoot.

They styled their house "The Lodge." 'What right had a lounger up their lane? But by creeping very close, With the good wall's help their eyes might strain And stretch themselves to oes, 'Yet never catch her and me together, As she left the attic there, By the rim of the bottle labelled "Ether" And stole from stair to stair, 'And stood by the rose-wreathed gate. Alas! We loved, sir; used to meet.

Once in the rear of that line, he will turn to the right or left, or both, and attack the batteries in reverse; or, if abandoned, he will pursue the enemy with vigor until further orders. Wall's field battery and cavalry will be held in reserve on the national road, a little out of view and range of the enemy's batteries. They will take up that position at nine o'clock in the morning.