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Updated: August 3, 2024

DON PEDRO. No, hija mía, no me alegro de semejante cosa ni tampoco puedo aprobar ... porque ... después de todo, y ... en fin, yo me entiendo, yo me entiendo. DOÑA MATILDE. Yo soy la que no entiendo a usted, papá mío, porque.... DON EDUARDO. Su papá de usted, Matilde mía, se habrá irritado al verme aquí en conversación con usted, cuando me había hecho decir que no quería recibirme.

The Venetian Signory had decided to send two special ambassadors to congratulate the emperor on his arrival in Italy, and on the 14th these envoys, Antonio Grimani and Marco Morosini, reached Milan, where they were received by Galeazzo Sforza, Count of Melzi, and lodged in the Palazzo del Verme, then inhabited by Madonna Cecilia Gallerani and her husband Count Lodovico Bergamini, and lately decorated with frescoes and marbles at the duke's expense.

"Nel qual vomito mi usci dello stomaco un verme piloso, grande un quarto di braccio: e' peli erano grandi ed il verme era bruttissimo, macchiato di diversi colori, verdi, neri e rossi." Lib. i. cap. 128. Notice lib. i. cap. 40, p. 90, the dialogue between Cellini and the old woman, on his return to the paternal house: "Oh dimmi, gobba perversa," &c.

BRUNO. Me echó con cajas destempladas, y.... DON EDUARDO. ¿Tampoco quiere verme? BRUNO. Tampoco. Voto va ... ¿Qué haré? si tuviera papel y tintero ... quizá cuatro renglones ... bien torcidos, como si me temblara el pulso ... y cuatro expresiones bien campanudas ... bien misteriosas.... BRUNO. Dijo que nada tenía que añadir ni quitar a lo que la carta rezaba....

He dismissed them at last with the promise that they should hear from him, and on the morrow, attended by Falcone only, he rode forth again from Pagliano, to seek out the dal Verme and the Sforza of Santafiora and endeavour to engage their interest against the man who had outraged them. And that was early in August of the year '46. I remained at Pagliano by Galeotto's request.

Too timid to take the field himself, he had trained in his service a band of great commanders, among whom Alberico da Barbino, Facino Cane, Pandolfo Malatesta, Jacopo dal Verme, Gabrino Fondulo, and Ottobon Terzo were the most distinguished. As long as he lived and held them in leading strings, all went well. But at his death his two sons were still mere boys.

The first to feel his iron hand were the Pallavicini, whom he stripped of their lands of Cortemaggiore, taking as hostages Girolamo Pallavicini's wife and mother. Next he hurled his troops against the dal Verme, forcing Romagnese to capitulate, and then seeking similarly to reduce their other fief of Bobbio.

I strove to put such thoughts from my mind that I might leave it free to do the work to which I had now vowed myself. All through that winter we pursued our mission. With the dal Verme we had but indifferent success, for they accounted themselves safe, being, like Cavalcanti, feudatories of the Emperor himself, and nowise included in the territories of Parma and Piacenza.

At the same time the Duke of Bari presented her with the stately Palazzo del Verme, originally built by his ancestor, Filippo Maria Visconti, for the great Captain Carmagnola, on the piazza of the Duomo, as a token of his regard and a heritage for her infant son.

With the Imperial troops at his heels the Governor of Milan not only intervened to save Soragna for his family, but forced Pier Luigi to disgorge Bobbio and Romagnese, restoring them to the dal Verme, and compelled him to raise the siege of San Giovanni upon which he was at the time engaged claiming that both these noble houses were feudatories of the Empire.

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