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"No," he replied; "but I was given to undherstand last night, that if I'd come this night to the Grey Stone, I'd find out a saicret that I'd give a great deal to know." "Very well," she replied, we'll see that; an' now, raise your spirits. Here we're in the moonlight, thank goodness, such as it is.

"Take your time, sir," replied Dandy; "it's comin'. The young performer on the Pandeans that I tould you of wasn't more than five or six at the most, but a woman over the way, that I made inquiries of, tould me the length o' time the husband was dead. Do you undherstand the mysthery now, sir?" "Go on," replied the other; "I am amused by you; but I don't see the mystery, notwithstanding.

"My curse upon their g'ographies and Bibles," he used to say; "where's the use ov perplexing the poor childre wid what we don't undherstand ourselves?" No use at all, in troth, and so I said from the first myself. Well, thank God and his Grace, we'll have no more thrigonomethry nor scripther in Connaught.

Touch up that bullet-headed house-breaker that's drunk Sam Stancheon, they call him lave a nate impression of the big kay on his head; he'll undherstand it, you know; and there's Molly Brady, or Emily Howard, as she calls herself, give her a clink on the noddle to stop her jinteelity. Blast her pedigree; nothing will serve her but she must be a lady on our hands.

Faith, the same's a provident resolution; but how is it an' purgatory concatenated?" "The priest, you see, won't go an wid the masses for her till I take the oath." "That's but wake logic, if you ped him for thim." "Faix, an' I did an' well, too; but about the oath? Have you the pencil?" "I have; jist lave the thing to me." "Asy, Masther you don't undherstand it yit.

Oh, brother beloved, we adore ye. Had ye not butted in with ye'er hivenly binivolence we wud've shook Rooshya down f'r much iv her hateful money. Now we must prove our affection with acts. It is our intintion to sind a fleet to visit ye'er shores, partickly San Francisco, where we undherstand th' school system is well worth studyin'. "An' there ye ar-re, Hinnissy.

Cubian buys hersilf a new bonnet; and where wanst they was sorrow an' despair all is happiness an' a cottage organ. "Ye can't make people here undherstand that, an' ye can't make a Cubian undherstand that freedom means th' same thing as a pinitinchry sintince. Whin we thry to get him to wurruk, he'll say: 'Why shud I? I haven't committed anny crime. That's goin' to be th' throuble.

"Not a hair I care," says Father Tom, "whether they undherstand what we're saying or not, as long as we keep off that last pint we wer discussing, and one or two others. Listners never hear good ov themselves," says he, "and if Belzhebub takes anything amiss that aither you or me says in regard ov himself or his faction, let him stand forrid like a man, and never fear, I'll give him his answer.

Just say I'm a dimmycrat with sthrong raypublican leanings. Put it this way: I'm a dimmycrat, be a point raypublican, dimmycrat. Anny sailor man'll undherstand that. 'What'll I say ye'er platform is? 'Platform? 'Ye have to stand on a platform. 'I do, do I? Well, I don't. I'll stand on no platform, an' I'll hang on no sthrap. What d'ye think th'prisidincy is a throlley car?

"Thigham, Thighum, I undherstand," said Flanagan; "well, I'll stay at home; but, sure it's no harm to wish you success an' that, Connor, is more than I'll ever have where I wish for it most." This closed their dialogue, and both entered Fardorougha's house in silence.