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'I had quite forgotten the old choir, with their fiddles and bass-viols, said the home-comer, musingly. 'Are they still going on the same as of old? 'Bless the man! said Christopher Twink, the master-thatcher; 'why, they've been done away with these twenty year.

To the man who pays heed to that voice within him which warns him that twilight and danger are settling over his soul, terror is apt to appear an absolute thing, against which his heart must be safeguarded in a twink unless there is to take place an alteration in the whole range and scale of his nature. Mercifully, he has never far to look for safeguards.

Profitt, the schoolmaster, in a soft felt hat, and Christopher Twink, the master-thatcher; and as the hour strikes there rapidly drop in the parish clerk and his wife, the seedsman and his aged father, the registrar; also Mr.

"'Tis a twink of the eye, 'tis a draught of the breath From the blossom of health to the paleness of death; From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud, O why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" Selma enjoyed the harmony between the long, slow cadence of the metre and the important gravity of the theme.

And now, chil'run, in honor of our eminent friend's visitation, and of the excellence with which you have been examine', I p'onounce the exhibition finish' dispensing with 'Twink', twink' lil stah. And now, in the book of the best writing scholar in the school you, sir, deciding that intricacy shall now be written the name of the eminent frien' of learning hereinbefo' confronting.

Then as you walk round, pulling her, you see little men running about her deck, and sails rise magically and catch the breeze, and you put in on dirty nights at snug harbours which are unknown to the lordly yachts. Night passes in a twink, and again your rakish craft noses for the wind, whales spout, you glide over buried cities, and have brushes with pirates, and cast anchor on coral isles.

To her sails had been stitched gaudy ramping lions of scarlet saye, and from her mainyard, now dipping in the water, had hung the broad two-tailed pennant with the Virgin and Child embroidered upon it.... Then suddenly a voice about him seemed to be saying, "And a half-seven and a half-seven " and in a twink the picture in Abel Keeling's brain changed again.

It had been very sparing also in its use of the Chaffinch's note, until one in the neighbourhood had begun to twink, twink, twink; then the Mocking-Bird took it up, and twinked away for fifty times together. Next morning the Linnet's note was much more frequent in request, and it also made more use of notes with which I was not acquainted.

I had to stay in, because I didn't know my nut-cracking lesson, and now I can't have any fun. Oh, dear! I don't care!" Billie meant, I suppose, that he didn't care what he said or did, and that isn't right. But Uncle Wiggily only pinkled his twink nose. No, wait just a moment if you please.

It was a dull December afternoon: and the first step in her scheme so the story goes, and I see no reason to doubt it ''Tis true as the light, affirmed Christopher Twink. 'I was just passing by. 'The first step in her scheme was to fasten the outer door, to make sure of not being interrupted.