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Updated: August 15, 2024

Ye went away and all the world was saddened for your loss, And all the hills and plains grew dark with sorrow and dismay. O that the raven of ill-luck, that croaked our parting hour, May lose his plumes nor find a nest in which his bead to lay! My patience fails me for desire, my body wasteth sore; How many a veil the hands of death and parting rend in tway!

He told them how glad he was to see them, and that he had not had so merry a company that year. Then he told them that he had thought of something to amuse them on the long way to Canterbury. It was this: "That each of you to shorten of your way In this voyage shall tell tales tway* To Canterbury-ward I mean it so, And homeward ye shall tellen other two; Of adventures which whilom have befallen.

Harrow and alas! but they were worse than the others." "Would they not help you then?" "Nay, they sat tway and tway at a board, him that they call Aylward and the great red-headed man who snapped the Norman's arm-bone, and the black man from Norwich, and a score of others, rattling their dice in an archer's gauntlet for want of a box.

Then she flew off and rejoined the antelope, who saluted her and gave her joy of her safety and enquired for the duck, to which she replied, 'The enemy hath taken her, and I loathe the sojourn of this island after her. Then she wept for the loss of the duck and repeated the following verses: The day of severance broke my heart in tway. God do the like unto the severance-day!

When we had drunk several cups of wine, there came in to us a damsel of the utmost beauty and elegance, as she were a willow-wand, who took a lute and playing a lively measure, sang the following verses: Is it not passing strange, indeed, one house should hold us tway And still thou drawst not near to me nor yet a word dost say, Except the secrets of the souls and hearts that broken be And entrails blazing in the fires of love, the eye bewray With meaning looks and knitted brows and eyelids languishing And hands that salutation sign and greeting thus convey?

'My love a meeting promised me and kept it faithfully, * One night as many I shall count in number and degree: O Night of joyance Fate vouchsafed to faithful lovers tway, * Uncaring for the railer loon and all his company!

"Well, it weally would be better, wouldn't it? I will have a tway sent in to you here, and do, Mawiquita, see that evewything is swept up and made tidy at once, for I shall bring them in to look wound diwectly after tea, and we must have the wooms tidy!" Rosalind tripped away, and Peggy was left to herself for a lonely and troublesome hour.

"As love waxt longer less met we tway * And fell out, but ended the useless fray; One night in the palace I found her fou'; * Yet of modesty still there was some display: The veil from her shoulders had slipt; and showed * Her loosened trousers Love's seat and stay: And rattled the breezes her huge hind cheeks * And the branch where two little pomegranates lay: Quoth I, 'Give me tryst; whereto quoth she * To-morrow the fane shall wear best array: Next day I asked her, 'Thy word? Said she * 'The promise of Night is effaced by Day."

Watchers tway there walk, white sisters in ward sleepless. Smarts they still, sickness soothing: in twelve moons thrice an hundred. Truest bedthanes they twain are, for Horne holding wariest ward. In ward wary the watcher hearing come that man mildhearted eft rising with swire ywimpled to him her gate wide undid. Lo, levin leaping lightens in eyeblink Ireland's westward welkin.

The little spats and sensations of the choir-rehearsals are entertainment for the sylvan boy. One evening Miss Tway was so "worked up" about failing in a solo she was trying to sing that she fainted twice, the first time with her mouth shut, the second time with it open; and Saul, not knowing what else to do, put a gum-drop into it, which offended Miss Tway, for she thought it was his finger.

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