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"'The party who shoves Caribou's dinero off the bar, tells him he can't pay, an' explains the play, an' exhorts him to drink free an' frequent an' keep his chips in his war-bags. ""As I tells you," says this party to Caribou, "my friend Jack Rainey has treed the camp, an' no money goes yere but his till his further commands is known.

Shall I have to let him go?" cried the middy. "Of course! He got a tremendous crack on the legs from Tom Bodger's stick he was nearly frightened to death; and he has had a thorough ducking. Isn't that enough?" "Well, it will have to be," said the middy, in a disappointed tone. "I meant him to be treed up and flogged." Aleck looked at him in rather an amused fashion.

When assured that they were beyond hearing distance, said Bill to Dick: "Well, we have treed the game at any rate." "Yes, but I don't see as it signifies much if we have, for we can't keep him treed, nor bring him down neither, in this place." "But we know where he is, and that is something." "I take it, it's but little. What can we do with him?"

He wagged his tail, and flopped down to pant and pant, as if to say: "What's wrong with you guys?" "Boys, for two cents I'd go back and put Jude on that trail. It's just possible that Moze treed a lion. But well, I expect there's more likelihood of his chasing the lion over the rim; so we may as well keep on. The strange thing is that Sounder wasn't with Moze. There may have been two lions.

And then he ran toward the woods as fast as he could go. Farmer Green's dog Spot was barking now. And Fatty wanted to climb one of the trees by the roadside. But he remembered, the narrow escape he had had when the dog had treed him near the cornfield. So he never stopped until he reached the woods. Then he went nimbly up into the trees.

He had heard that these creatures will remain for days watching a person whom they may have "treed." He could not stand it for days. He would drop down with fatigue, and then the bull would gore and trample him at pleasure. Would they be able to trace him from the camp? They would not think of that before nightfall.

Both of them bore a marked likeness to the middle-aged man who had spoken. Jim guessed that this was the Roubideau family of whom Billie Prince had told him. "Just out of the cradle, by Christmas, and he's killed four 'Paches inside of an hour an' treed a renegade to boot," said young Roubideau. "I'd call it a day's work, kid, for it sure beats all records ever I knew hung up by one man."

In front of the treed space, were temporary booths erected for the carnival, in which dulces, aguas frescas, and cascarones were offered for sale. Hawkers on the streets were selling cascarones, some of which were quite elaborate.

"It is scarce worth while to go on," said De Catinat. "We may as well be doing that as anything else. If my picker had been an inch lower I'd have had him. Well, maybe he'll get a stroke, or break his neck down those stairs. I've nothing to work with now, but a few rubs with your bar will finish the job. Ah, dear! You are right, and we are fairly treed!"

"Now, it'd be funny if that little Shep, just to get even with me for tying him up so often, has treed a lion all by himself," commented Jones. "And I'll bet that's just what he's done." He called the hounds about him and hurried westward through the forest. "Shore, it might be." Jim shook his head knowingly. "I reckon it's only a rabbit, but anythin' might happen in this place."