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Bill was amazed to hear and see his brother, and greatly astounded and tremendously elated to discover the other two bears. He yelled and acted as one demented. "Three black Jaspers! I've treed you all. An' I'm agoin' to assassinate you all!" "See here, Bill," said Haught, "before you begin that assassinatin' make up your mind not to cripple any of them.

Sometimes the hunter climbs after and forces him to leap out, so as to fall into the very jaws of the watchful dog below. "In Abe's opinion Pompo would have `treed' his 'coon before reaching, the bottom, had not the fence interfered, but now "`Told ye so, massa! muttered he, interrupting my thoughts. `Look dar! dar's de tree trunk thick as a haystack. Wagh!

In a few moments the hounds broke out into a continuous cry, and, when the boys emerged from the woods, they saw them standing at the foot of a tall stump, which stood near the middle of the meadow. Brave immediately ran to join them, and Harry exclaimed, "I'd like to know what those dogs are doing there?" "Why, they've got the fox treed," said Frank.

'For how a girl can live in that stuffy hole with that old woman and that die-away fellow, Lord only knows! he thought. 'She'll be twice the girl she is when she lives with a man that is a man, and she can do as she likes with Undern so long as she's not stand-off with me. No, by ! I'll have no nonsense after this! Here I am, sitting under a tree like a dog with a treed cat!

He drew a full breath when it struck home to him, with the warm certainty of a happy truth, that if he did not look at her, even the Widder Poll could hardly spoil his evening. Everybody greeted him with unusual kindliness, though some could not refrain from coupling their word with a meaning glance at the colossal figure near the stove. One even whispered, "She treed ye, didn't she, Heman?"

Proud as a general with an ample and obedient following, he dashed ahead, carrying fresh dismay among the deer, if one might judge from the noise. Then he found some new smell of excitement, and voiced the new thrill in a new sound, one not unmixed with fear. At length his barking was far away to the west in a rocky part of the woods. Whatever the prey, it was treed, for the voice kept one place.

But the 'coon can be killed without fire-arms. The 'coon can be overtaken and "treed." The negro is not denied the use of an axe, and no man knows better how to handle it than he. The 'coon, therefore, is his natural game, and much sport does he have in its pursuit.

We'll have to go as light as we can, for it's a mighty tough hike over Old Ironsides and on into that little valley." "Shall we take our pistols?" asked Charley. "We'd better have at least one. You never can tell when you're going to need a pistol in the forest. Remember the time that bear treed me on the first hike of the Wireless Patrol?

Three of them were "treed" by the dog; the fourth sprang over the fence, but left the seat of his trousers and the rear section of his shirt, the latter bearing in indelible ink the name of the wearer. The circumstantial evidence was so strong against him that he did not attempt an alibi, and he was unable to sit down for nearly a fortnight.

Unloading his secret and his heartache to a girl that only thought it would be "keen" to have a bandit treed up here at the lookout station! Why couldn't he have kept his troubles to himself? He'd be hollering it into the phone, next thing he knew. They'd care, down there in the office, as much as she did, anyway. And the secret would probably be safer with them than it would be with her.