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Updated: August 25, 2024

Not jist ter ther Harpers an' Thorntons but ter them an' ther Doanes alike.... 'Pears like them of both lots thet wants right-livin' hes a call on me ... that when old Caleb giv me his consent ter wed with ye, he give me a duty, too a duty ter try an' weld things tergither thet's kep' breakin' apart heretofore."

"I jes es well tell yer ther plain truth, Mandy," he said finally, "I got wi ther boys las night and went ter ther Wigwam, an was made Cheerman ov ther meetin. They lowed thet hit wus ter be ther mos importent meetin in ther campain, an hit wus time fer white men ter be er standin tergither." "Teck Pervis," exclaimed the wife, "Hev I bin er rastlin'in prayer an pleadin ter ther Lawd in vain?

Them fellers air a-plottin' tergither right now over at old Hump Doane's house an' hell's broth air a-brewin' thar." The younger man's head came back with a snap. "Ye says they're holdin' a council over thar at Hump Doane's?" he demanded. "Yes an' hit's a war conf'rence. I've hed men find thet out they're right sim'lar ter a swarm of hornets." Parish Thornton took a step forward.

"A man only courts trouble when he seeks ter gentle a rattlesnake ther seemly thing ter do air ter kill hit." Parish Thornton turned his eyes and studiously appraised the hare-brained advocate of violence, then he said, again addressing Hump Doane: "An' yit hit's a pity, Mr. Doane, ef you an' me kain't some fashion git tergither in accord. We've got ther same cravin's in our hearts, us two."

"Will ther Harpers stand to what ther two of us agrees on tergither in full accord an' leave cavillin' an' wranglin' amongst ourselves fer a more seemly time?" Aaron nodded his head. "So long as us two stands agreed we kin handle 'em, I reckon." The young man nodded his head in a gesture of swift decision. "All right then! I'm goin' over thar ter Hump Doane's house an' reason with them hotheads.

There was a momentary stiffening of the creature's moral backbone and the employer hastened to smooth away his anxiety. "I hain't nuver drapped no hint of this ter no man afore," he confided, "but me an' you air actin' tergither es pardners, an' ye've got a license ter know.

Ther two of us hev always 'lowed thet ef we could see them wedded afore we lays down an' dies, we'd come mighty nigh seein' ther old breach healed an' ther old hates buried. Them two clans would git tergither then an' thar'd jest be one peaceful fam'ly 'stid of two crowds of hateful enemies." Dorothy had hardly moved since she had spoken last.

This man says they've got tergither. Let's hear him out." A muttering chorus of dissent sounded inarticulate protest that needed only a spokesman and Hump Doane raised his hand. "I've done already hed speech with Mr. Thornton who come over hyar by another name an' he refused ter give me any enjoyment. I misdoubts ef he kin do much better now.

Ye aims ter hev everybody else fergive thar enemies an' lay down like lambs tergither atter ye gits teetotally done with yore own shootin' an avengin'." But Hump Doane seized the hickory staff that leaned against old Jim's chair and pounded with it on the table. "Silence!" he roared; "suffer ther feller ter git through!" "I don't aim ter bushwack ner layway nobody," went on Thornton, obdurately.

"Hit war jest erbout one y'ar ago, Bas," came the even and implacable inflection of the other, "thet us two stud up hyar tergither, an' a heap hes done come ter pass since then don't ye want yore envellip, Bas?" Silently and with a heavily moving hand, Rowlett reached out and took the proffered paper which bore his incriminating admissions and signature, but he made no answer.

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