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Very few friends came to see her, and Milly had many idle hours. Hazel Fredericks had not been offended by Milly's neglect to take advantage of her opportunities the night of the suffrage meeting, at least she showed no pique when Milly finally got around to telephoning her friend and congratulating her on her successful speech.

I saw from the very beginning that he was determined to spoil our fun. "'The joke is sure on us, says Ben Sutton, 'but I bear him no grudge. In fact, I did him an injustice I knew he wasn't a poet, but I didn't believe he was even a hobo till he jumped that freight. "Alonzo was out in the hall telephoning Henrietta. We could hear his cheerful voice: 'No, Pettikins, no! It doesn't ache a bit.

Miss Toland urged, throwing open the door of the immaculate, unused bedroom. Julia looked again at the fresh white bed, the rug, the bureau. Her own her own domain! Just what entering it meant to her she never tried to say, but the moment was a memorable one in her life. She presently found herself telephoning a message to the drug store that was nearest her grandmother's home.

Bart's worst reproach to her husband was to ask him if he expected her to "live like a pig"; and his replying in the negative was always regarded as a justification for cabling to Paris for an extra dress or two, and telephoning to the jeweller that he might, after all, send home the turquoise bracelet which Mrs. Bart had looked at that morning.

They had reached the veranda, and Standish carried his burden through an open doorway, which was blocked by a knot of excitedly inquisitive servants. A sharp word from Standish sent them whisperingly back to the kitchen regions. Milo laid Brice down on a wicker couch in the broad, flagged hallway, and ran his fingers over the bruised head. Gavin could hear Claire, in a nearby room, telephoning.

Your battery is always hidden and out of sight, for fear the enemy should see the flash of the firing; consequently the officer in charge of the battery lays the guns mathematically, but cannot observe the effect of his shots. The officer who goes forward can see the target; by telephoning back his corrections, he makes himself the eyes of the officer at the guns.

"For heaven's sake come at once. Cal was taken dangerously ill at two o'clock. The doctors have been with him every moment. He doesn't get any better. He keeps calling for you. He insisted on my telephoning. I'm frightened. I want to see you. Please come?" "At once, of course, I'll be there in half an hour three quarters at the most." "Thank you," she gasped, and hung up her receiver.

I hate this place I hate the sea It is all of no use I shall go back to Paris. The first thing I learned when I reached the appartement was that the Duchesse had returned, and wished to see me. This was good news and without even telephoning to Maurice, I got into my one horse Victoria and repaired to the Hotel de Courville . The Duchesse was sitting in her boudoir upstairs when I got in.

I then put my hair up and put on my blue silk, because while I do not beleive in Woman using her femanine charm when talking busness, I do beleive that she should look her best under any and all circumstances. He was rather surprized not to find Sis in, as I had used her name in telephoning. "I did it," I explained, "because I knew that you felt no interest in me, and I had to see you."

"I took the liberty of telephoning in your name and ordering the valet to pack your clothes. Your luggage is in the hall there, and that automobile is waiting to take you to the Gare du Nord." I opened my mouth to protest, but Louis' manner underwent a further change. "Captain Rotherby," he said, "it is I and my friends who save you, perhaps, from a considerable inconvenience.