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How did you know that that was the one hat in New York I wanted you to wear?" "Oh, these things get about. Do you like it?" "It's wonderful. Let's take this table, shall we?" They sat down. The dim, tapestry-hung room soothed Jill. She was feeling a little tired after the rehearsal. At the far end of the room an orchestra was playing a tune that she remembered and liked.

They were out of the infirmary, walking down a wide tapestry-hung corridor. "You've got it, if you'll tell me whatever you can. Wilderness survival is part of it?" "Yes, and you know not this world's life. Then there the Vision is, if you one granted are, and you of the Scarring know." "Yeah, I hurt just thinking about that part. It's in that order?" "It may be, yes.

Inside the great tent was like a round hall, carpeted, and tapestry-hung in a way I had never seen before. There were many richly-dressed nobles present, and most of these were grouped round a high place over against the door, where I saw at once that the king sat on a throne in all state.

F. Rockridge Sewall a very elegant and perfectly poised woman she seemed to me the one time I had seen her at close range, as she sat at the head of the sumptuous table in the tapestry-hung dining-room at Grassmere. I admired Mrs. Sewall.

Not wishing to appear curious, or to annoy the unknown in any way, de Sigognac hastened to enter his own room not however without having observed that the door of the tapestry-hung chamber stood ajar. When he had closed his, he heard stealthy footsteps approaching, and presently a bolt shot home softly, then profound silence.

Unhappily, we cannot count veritable tapestries as a modern recourse in wall-treatment, since we are precluded from the use of genuine ones by their scarcity and cost. There is undoubtedly a peculiar richness and charm in a tapestry-hung wall which no other wall covering can give; yet they are not entirely appropriate to our time.

But all thought of Crowther faded from her mind when she found herself once more in that eerie, tapestry-hung bedroom. The place had been lighted with candles, but they only seemed to emphasize the gloom.

Do you care to come and see it all, if the afternoon is fine and not too hot?" And Honoria agreed. Nor did she shrink when Richard slipping out of his chair picked up his crutches. "I suppose it is about time to get ready for the Grimshott function," he said. She walked beside him to the door, opened it and passed into the neutral-tinted, tapestry-hung dining-room.

No, I didn't, I knew your clever ways I knew you was bound to turn up." "Yes," said Dickie, looking round the tramps' kitchen, and remembering the long, clean tapestry-hung dining-hall of his dream. "Yes, I was bound to turn up. You wanted me to, didn't you?" he added. "Wanted you to?"

Williamson and Carruthers found themselves carrying the wounded Woodley into the house, and I gave my arm to the frightened girl. The injured man was laid on his bed, and at Holmes's request I examined him. I carried my report to where he sat in the old tapestry-hung dining-room with his two prisoners before him. "He will live," said I. "What!" cried Carruthers, springing out of his chair.