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Updated: August 28, 2024

The Duke and his mother, as well as Lasse, the friend of the latter, have gained several millions. The Prince has gained less, and yet his winnings, they say, amount to millions. The two cousins do not stir from the Rue de Quincampoix, which has given rise to the following epigram: Prince dites nous vos exploits Que faites vous pour votre gloire? Taisez-vous sots!

"Taisez-vous, taisez-vous, Clarah! C'est honteux mon Dieu!" The next afternoon they all drove in a high wide brake with an awning, five miles out into the country to have tea at a forest-inn. The inn appeared at last standing back from the wide roadway along which they had come, creamy-white and grey-roofed, long and low and with overhanging eaves, close against the forest.

But Madame de Cruchecassee, and Madame de Schlangenbad, and those horrid people whom the men speak to, but whom the women salute with silent curtseys, persisted in declaring that there was no prude like an English prude; and to Dr. Finck's oaths, assertions, explanations, only replied, with a shrug of their bold shoulders, "Taisez-vous, Docteur, vous n'ete qu'une vieille bete."

The Duke and his mother, as well as Lasse, the friend of the latter, have gained several millions. The Prince has gained less, and yet his winnings, they say, amount to millions. The two cousins do not stir from the Rue de Quincampoix, which has given rise to the following epigram: Prince dites nous vos exploits Que faites vous pour votre gloire? Taisez-vous sots!

But you see the force which a short word has, if you can use it, instead of a long one. If you want to say "hush," "hush" is a much better word than the French "taisez-vous" If you want to say "halt," "halt" is much better than the French "arretez-vous" The French have, in fact, borrowed "halte" from us or from the German, for their tactics.

So the ball is started and goes rolling from one man to another in the ranks, growing in audacity and wallowing along filthy ways of thought, until the sous-officier, who had been grinning under his kepi, suddenly turns red with anger and growls out a protest. "Taisez-vous, cochons. Foutez-moi la paix!"

"She calls me her nursling," said Lucy, sotto voce, to her aunt, but, of course, quite audibly to the rest of the company; "her dear nursling;" and says, "she would walk fifty miles to see me. Nursling? hum! there is another word I never heard, and I do not exactly know Then she says " "Taisez-vous, petite sotte!" said Mrs.

But he started and looked down. "You here yet Carrothead? Ah, I forgot. Do you speak French?" "Oui, Monsieur." "Taisez-vous!" he said sharply, with singular purity of accent. I complied. The wind moaned fearfully in the chimney, and the light burned dimly. I shuddered in spite of myself. "Ah, you tremble, girl!" "It is a fearful night." "Fearful! Call you this fearful, ha! ha! ha!

"You see," she said, demurely, "that my gowns came to-day from Paris." "It is a dream this one," he said, smiling back into her eyes, "but I shall never forget the scarlet skirt and little bodice of velvet, and the silver chains, and your hair " "My hair? It is still on my head." "It was tangled across your face then." "Taisez-vous, Monsieur Marche!" "And you seem to have grown taller "

It's always the same at every little railway station and every little inn. 'Mefiez-vous! Taisez-vous! They might spare us over here." John Lutchester, a tall, clean-shaven man, dressed in civilian clothes, raised his eyeglass and read out the notice languidly. "Well, I don't know," he observed. "Some of you Service fellows not the Regulars, of course do gas a good deal when you come back.

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