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Dauvray. "Why, I like your frock that's all," said Wethermill at once; and Celia's eyes went down to it. "Do you?" she said, with a pleased smile. It was a dress of dark blue which suited her well. "I am glad. I think it is pretty." And they passed on. Wethermill stayed by the girl's side throughout the evening. Once again he saw Mme. Dauvray and Adele Tace.

The bourgeoisie tirelessly shouted to the revolution, in the language of St. Orsenius to the Christians: "Fuge, Tace, Quiesce!" flee, be silent, submit! ; Bonaparte shouts to the bourgeoisie: "Fuge, Tace, Oniesce!" flee, be silent, submit! That republic lost nothing but the appearance of decency. The France of to-day was ready-made within the womb of the Parliamentary republic.

They sat down to their dinner in the garden, but the rain began to fall and drove them indoors. There were a few people dining at the same hour, but none near enough to overhear them. Alike in the garden and the dining-room, Adele Tace kept up the same note of ridicule and disbelief. She had been carefully tutored for her work.

Had not one little accident happened, and one little mistake been made in consequence, I doubt if we should have laid our hands upon one of the gang. We might have suspected Wethermill; we should hardly have secured him, and we should very likely never have known of the Tace family. That mistake was, as you no doubt are fully aware " "The failure of Wethermill to discover Mme.

"Tace, madam," answered Murphy, "is Latin for a candle: I commend your prudence. I shall know the particulars of your case when we are alone." "I hope the lady," said Robinson, "hath no suspicion of any person here. I hope we are all persons of honour at this table."

Would anyone wish that mouth for her kiss? How do you know? Why did you write it then? Mouth, south. Is the mouth south someway? Or the south a mouth? Must be some. South, pout, out, shout, drouth. Rhymes: two men dressed the same, looking the same, two by two. ........................ la tua pace .................. che parlar ti piace .... mentreché il vento, come fa, si tace.

You see, ma'am, I must tache thim to spake an' effectuate a translation of the larned languages sometimes." "Arrah, masther dear, how did you get it all into your head, at all at all?" "Silence, boys tace conticuere omnes intentique ora tenebant. Silence, I say agin." "You could slip over, maybe, to Doran's, masther, do you see?

Dinanzi a noi pareva si verace, Quivi intagliato in un atto soave, Che non sembrava immagine che tace. Movement has never been suggested in stone with less exaggeration, nor have marble lips been made to utter sweeter and more varied music. Luca's true perception of the limits to be observed in sculpture, appears most eminently in the glazed terra-cotta work by which he is best known.

In the recess near the window was a piano open, and evidently just abandoned by a woman; the little stool was half-overturned by catching in the dress of some one suddenly rising, and the music open was a soprano air from Puritani: "Vien diletto, in ciel e luna, Tutto tace intorno...." You will see how by inductions I reached the truth.

"You see Mme. Dauvray does not want you," said Harry Wethermill. "Let us go and play chemin-de-fer"; and they did, moving off into one of the further rooms. It was not until another hour had passed that Celia rose and went in search of Mme. Dauvray. She found her still talking earnestly to Adele Tace. Mme. Dauvray got up at once.